Chapter 4

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Vincenzo POV:

It's been 2 years since we got married and life has been good. Oscar and I moved out to a house not too far from the main house. Oscar hasn't been home lately due to work.

Oscar originally was a graphic design major but then he decide to change majors to Game design and computer science. He already had computer science credits and most classes double so it worked out fine for him except he had to spend a shit ton more money and complete and extra year. He was super bummed out about it but after he graduated he got a job with Ubisoft so he's been working on a huge gaming project which means he's never home and when he is he's super busy.

I'm glad he's doing his own thing because I work a lot too but it's just weird going to sleep and waking up alone. His work is in Montreal but he does his part here and works with his team remotely. He has to fly out to Montreal for every deadline which is once a month or every other month.

Today is both our days off and we agreed that today is a work free day. We're gonna watch movies, order in, cuddle, and hopefully Fuck because it's been way too long since we've done anything remotely sexual.

It's noon so I decide to get up to find Lars. My search is short since I find him passed out on his desk in his office. I roll my eyes and go wake him up

"Lars get up" he's usually a super light sleeper unless he's exhausted. After a couple shakes he shoots up

"Fuck Marcy you scared the shit out of me. Did I fall asleep at my desk again" he asks while rubbing the sleep out his eyes

"Yeah you did now get up and brush your teeth, your breath smells like coffee and death" he chuckles and goes to the bathroom

I tell a made to bring us up lunch and I go lay in bed.

"What do you wanna watch" i ask

"I really don't care"

"Let's watch Star Wars"

"Fuck no loser"

"Don't say you don't care then cunt"

"How about family guy"

"Sure Im in the mood to laugh"

He laid down beside me and we started watching the show while we ate.

An hour in we changed it and put a Haunted House. It was really funny but I had already seen it so I decided this was a good time to mess around

I started kissing his neck then I found his sweet spot and sucked on it

"Fuck Vince" he moaned my name which instantly made me hard

His hand found my member and he started rubbing me through my pants causing me to groan

Then his phone started going off

"Ignore it" I whispered against his neck

"I can't Marcy its work"

"I don't care call them back after we finish" I said throwing his phone on the floor

"VINCENZO WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled and pushed me off. He grabbed his phone from the floor and his entire screen was cracked

"Are you shitting me right now" he yelled

"Fuck, I didn't mean to do that"

"It doesn't even fucking work now"

"I'll by you a new one calm down" I said annoyed

"How are you fucking annoyed! If I did that to you, you'd be livid"

"I know and I apologize, I got caught up in the moment"

"Still I-" his work phone started ringing and he went and answered it



Of course

I'll get it done and send it over by morning"

I rolled my eyes and went in our closet and got dressed

I grabbed my phones and was making my way downstairs to leave when Lars stopped me

"Where are you going" he asked


"Out where"

"Doesn't matter enjoy your work and don't call or wait up, but I doubt you would've anyways"

I got in my car and drove around for a couple hours to clear my head

Then I called Matteo


"Where are you Matt"

"At the hideout why"

"Did you finish today's work"


"Let's get drinks"

"Isn't it your day off with Oscar"

"Yeah but we got in a fight so I'm gonna drink. With or without you"

He sighed "I'll meet you at our usual spot"

"Also can you pick me up an new IPhone I'll pay you back"

"Sure" then he hung up

At the bar

"Hey Matteo"

"Hey Vince you sure you wanna get wasted"

"Yup Im already 8 shots in" i slurred

"Jesus, what happened"

I explained what happened

"You shouldn't have thrown his phone on the ground Vince"

"I know it was an accident I'm just tired of him constantly working and I have needs"

"You sound like a house wife"

"Fuck off" I flipped him off then downed my 6 cup of brandy

"When was the last time you guys, you know"

"He got the job and started working 6 months ago so yeah"

"Six months Fuck I'd be needy too"

"Yup" I agreed while ordering more alcohol

"Nope that's enough for you Let's go home" Matteo said and told the bartender I was good

"No I don't wanna Oscar hates when I get super drunk" I whined

"Cmon Vince you gotta face the music either way it's already like 3 am"

He drove me home and I stumbled inside expecting him to be passed out on his desk again but nope he was in the living room waiting and he looked pissed

"Hey Lars I got you a new phone" I slurred


Their first fight


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🙈🙉🙊

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