A New Kind of Hybrid (The Vampire Diaries)

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Back in the 10th century, when The Originals were created, a large piece of the story that was told in Mystic Falls was left out. Rebekah, taking after her mother, had a secret relationship with a werewolf in the village. She became pregnant and was suppose to be due a couple weeks after the death of her youngest brother, Henrik. Desperate to save the lives of the rest of their children, Mikael and Esther performed the spell that would turn them into vampires, assuming their unborn grandchild would die in the process, a sacrifice they were willing to make.

After slaying his children, Mikael leaves, claiming he'll be back later to check on them. Esther agrees, but after he leaves she runs to her daughter's side and begins her work on retrieving her only grandchild; not as ready as her husband to stop the innocent life. A few short minutes later she held a tiny, crying little girl in her arms. Esther quickly cleaned her up and then hurried to hide the child before anyone woke up or her husband walked in. When she came back into the room she stitched up  Rebekah to help the healing process until she completed the transition.

After a couple hours had passed, her children began to awake. They were angry and confused, but none more than Rebekah. After Esther told her that she had dealt with the child, Rebekah collapsed in a fit of sobs, her father walking in moments later, just in time. They gave their children blood to drink, forcing Rebekah to take it since she no longer desired to live, causing her to make a mess with the blood. Afterwards, she stormed off to her room where she found her little girl sleeping on her bed with a note placed next to her:

Say hello to your daughter, Rebekah.

It will be hard, but we need to work together to keep her hidden from your father. He planned on her dying during your transition, since her father is a werewolf turning her into a vampire as well would make her an abomination in his eyes. Since I saved her before she could die inside of you, she should posess no vampire qualities, but I can't be certain. But, if your father sees her he's sure to jump to conclusions and kill her. Sadly, this means we must keep her a secret from your brothers as well. I have cast a spell on your bedroom so no one on the outside can hear anything from within, but still keep her hidden from sight whenever possible. I'm hoping to find a way around all of this soon. Until then, we'll take good care of her together.

Love, your mother

With tears of joy escaping her eyes, Rebekah looked back down at her daughter who had awoken and was looking straight back at her with deep blue eyes. She picked her up and gave her a kiss, forgetting about the spilled blood that was still around her mouth. When she brought her daughter away from her, she saw the blood she had gotten on her and went to wipe it away but stopped when the child's tiny tongue came out of her mouth and began to lick it up as tiny veins appeared under her eyes.

The exact thing her parents didn't want to happen, had happened. Realizing how much danger her daughter was really in, she could only mutter two words, "Oh dear..."

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now