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"Hey mum, When did Harry get here?" I heard Ginny call from the first floor of the house

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"Hey mum, When did Harry get here?" I heard Ginny call from the first floor of the house.

I was half asleep in Ron's bed while he slept on the floor, something his mum made sure happened whenever I stayed over.
I forced myself to wake up a bit more, then slowly stood to make my way into the hall.

"Harry who?" Mrs. Weasley called back from somewhere below us.
"Harry Dimpleton," Ginny replied sarcastically.
"Harry Potter of course."
"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?"
"His trunk's in the kitchen, owl too."
As Ginny pointed this out, Hedwig let out a little screech from somewhere in the kitchen.
"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron asked, suddenly appearing behind me with a sleepy grin on his face.
"Yeah, is he up there with you two?" Ginny asked.
"Of course not, I think we'd know if he was up here in my room with us," Ron yelled back down to her.
"Well I can definitely hear Hedwig," I added
"he's probably wandering around the house somewhere."
"I haven't seen him," Ginny answered.
"Really?" I gave her a puzzled look.

"Really." Harry laughed, leaning against the doorway of the Weasley's kitchen.

"Harry!" I yelled, rushing down the stairs and tackling him into a big hug. He hugged me back and pulled away with a smile.

"Harry, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Mrs. Weasley asked, joining us in the kitchen along with Ron and Ginny, who were taking their turns to hug him as well.
"I didn't know," He said shrugging as he pulled away from Ron.
We all gave him a confused look.
"Dumbledore." He added, which made for a perfectly reasonable explanation.

"That man," Mrs. Weasley started, shaking her head.
"Then again, what would we do without him?"

Ron laughed in agreement and threw his arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head which made Harry grin.
"How come you're here Elle? Hiding from pops?" He asked.

"Ron and Hermione wanted a sleepover and since she was already staying over here I just thought I'd join for a couple of nights," I said.
"Where is Hermione?" Harry glanced around the room to notice she was gone.
"Fred and George are upstairs showing her their newest love potion," Ginny replied with a giggle.

"Well since you're here, we can spend some time together before heading back to Hogwarts," Harry said to me.

"Don't go leaving me out now," Ron interjected.
"I slept on my floor for you."
"My hero," I said sarcastically, kissing his cheek.

"Morning everyone," The synchronizing voices now belonged to Fred and George, who were walking with Hermione down the stairs. She caught a glimpse of Harry standing in the doorway.

"Harry!" she cried out, rushing over to hug him.
"It's good to see you, Hermione," He said, smiling.
"Let's go upstairs then, we must all catch up!" She grabbed the poor boy's wrist and nearly dragged him back up the stairs.
I shot Harry a huge smile and realized how happy I was to be there with all of them once again.

"Mum sort of lost it this week, said me and Ginny have no business going back to school," Ron said as we sat in a circle on his floor, catching Harry up on our lives.
"Says it's too dangerous."
"Oh come on," Harry said, rolling his eyes
"She's not alone, even my parents know something bad is happening," Hermione added.
I sat there silently, knowing my own father was apart of that "bad thing" everyone suspected.
I knew they didn't blame me, or even associate me with the death eaters and Voldemort, but it was still hard not to feel guilty.

They must have noticed me getting lost in thought because soon enough Hermione was reaching over and taking her hand in mine.
"It's gonna be alright Elle, I'm glad you're here with us." She said genuinely.
I smiled and squeezed her hand, happy to know she trusted me.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like to go on a little walk with Elle before she has to go home tonight," Ron said to the two of them.
"Oh go on lovebirds, have your little moment." Harry waved us off, only pretending to be annoyed.

Outside, Ron held my hand and swung it back and forth as we walked around the yard.
"You didn't write much this summer," I said, breaking the silence.
"I'm surprised I even got to see you these last few days."
"Right, sorry about that. I was just busy, and then Hermione came to stay and I didn't think about it. I wasn't trying to ignore you."
"Well, sorry to intrude on your time with Hermione," I mumbled.
He stopped walking and turned to face me straight on, looking slightly agitated.
"It's not like that, and I said was sorry. It's not like you were rushing to send me letters either."
"Because my dad's the one who sends off our mail, what if he got a bit too nosy and read through them? I was trying to protect us." I defended myself quickly.

"Us or yourself?" Ron snapped.

I gave him a shocked look, which quickly boiled into anger.
"Piss off with you then, I don't need to stand here and argue for myself," I stated before ripping my hand from his and turning to walk off.
Ron reached out once more and grabbed hold of my forearm, spinning back around to his embrace.
"I didn't ask you here to fight with you." He said, his face only inches from mine.
His expression softened a little as he sighed.
"I'm sorry I said that I didn't mean it. You know I love you, and I appreciate everything you do for me. I mean it." He leaned down to kiss me, and suddenly all of my anger disappeared.

I kissed him back passionately, gripping the back of his hair as his hands moved to my waist, holding me in place.

"Oui, thanks for the show but we didn't buy any tickets," Fred called from an upstairs window. I quickly jumped back from Ron and coughed awkwardly.
"Shut up with you," Ron called back.
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his torso.

Fred smirked at us one last time before closing the window and wandering off.

"We'll be okay this year Ron, I believe it," I said, still looking up at the house.
"Well if you believe it then I believe it too." He replied, kissing the top of my head.

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