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I stormed into the Gryffindor common room only to see Ron, alone, pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself

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I stormed into the Gryffindor common room only to see Ron, alone, pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself.
I stayed quiet for a moment and watched him, studying the shape of his face and trying to remember how it looked the first time I saw him.
It was a strange feeling; to try and relearn someone. I felt as if I had lost the real Ron Weasley and instead was standing opposite of a boy who was suddenly much more comfortable taking the easy way out.
I wondered if he truly looked at me now and only saw someone he wished was a stranger.

"Elle, hey," he said suddenly, finally noticing my presence.
"Hey?" I asked, feeling all of the anger fester up inside me once again.
"All you've got to say right now is hey?"

"I thought I told you it'd be better if we didn't speak."
He kept his eyes trained on the ground and refused to speak any louder than a mumble, slightly slurring his words together and stuttering. He also continued pacing whilst I stood in my place by the door.

"Are you kidding me?" I raised my voice at him once again.
"Please, I don't want to do this to you, just get out," he replied, his voice breaking.
"No," I said firmly, taking a few steps closer to him.
"I deserve an answer. What 'terrible injustice' are you fucking talking about? What did you do that was so awful that you think you have to disappear from my life because of it?!"
I was practically yelling at this point and only prayed that no one else walked in.

Ron stopped dead in his tracks but still refused to look up, fidgeting with the ends of his robe and shaking his head from left to right.
"Elle I'm sorry I handled things the way I did, but you have to believe me that it's for the best."

"Answer the question," I said coldly.

"For the love of Merlin what is wrong with you? I'm standing here treating you like shit and you don't just give up and walk away? I don't deserve you, Elle! I never did so why can't you see that!"
Ron screamed, finally lifting his head.
I suddenly saw that he was crying, which made me do the same.

He picked a pillow up off the couch and threw it, knocking over an unfinished chess game set up on a nearby table.
"You're scaring me," I said, backing up slightly.

"Hermione kissed me," He said, his words empty and hollow.

"and I didn't stop her."

I felt my skin go cold as all of the air was sucked out of my lungs.

"You what?"
My voice was barely a whisper as the tears made their way down my now-pale cheeks.

"I didn't mean to. I mean- I didn't think she was going to kiss me but when I came to in the hospital you weren't there and she was. We talked for a while and then it just kind of happened. I didn't stop her, and I even kissed her back." he explained, voice shaky.

I stayed silent for a moment, searching his face for any sign of regret.

"Do you love her?" I asked.

"Elle I love you, I just made a mistake." he cried out.
"I wasn't gonna tell you because I didn't want to hurt you any more than I already had. But I meant everything in that letter. You're my person, you're the one that I want."
He walked over to me and tried to grab my wrist but I jumped away.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed, crying even harder.
Ron gave me a heartbroken look, but the only thing I felt for him at that moment was pure disgust.

"Do you know the kind of hell I went through just to convince myself that you and Hermione weren't even on the brink of being a possibility?! I did everything for you, and you want to stand there and write me some bullshit letter acting like you were just doing what was best for me?! Well, you know what would have been best for me?! Not getting cheated on!
Congratulations Ron, you've really done at this time. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for this, so I hope you and her are happy with yourselves. I hope it was worth it."

I finished my speech and turned towards the door, but once again Ron reached out and grabbed at my wrist.
"Please don't end things like this, I love you!" he begged, not letting go of my arm.

"You had the nerve to write me that letter like you were doing me a fucking favor by leaving, you don't get to be in love with me anymore! You truly are the worst person I've ever had the misfortune of meeting and I mean that Ronald!" I shouted, struggling to make him let go.

"Get the hell off of her!" another voice yelled from behind me.

Suddenly, Harry came sprinting into the room and ripped Ron's hand right off my wrist before shoving him back.
"What is the matter with you?" he asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh big surprise, Harry Potter's to the rescue," Ron snapped, giving his best friend the nastiest stare.
"Please can we just go?" I whispered to Harry, feeling a lot better just under the comfort of his touch.
"You're a right foul git, you know." Harry insulted him one last time before walking me back out the door, leaving Ron in the middle of the common room completely speechless.

When we got out to the hall, I pulled away from Harry and slid down the stone castle wall, sitting with my knees pressed up to my chest.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop," he said, taking a spot next to me.
"It's okay," I replied, giving him the tiniest smile.
"I also didn't know that he kissed Hermione, and trust me I'm just as furious as you are."
"I really doubt that, but thank you for taking my side."
I ran my fingers along his knuckles, distracting myself with how soft his peach-colored skin was.
"Of course Elle, I'm just really sorry you have to go through any of this."
He scooted closer to me and gently grabbed the side of my head, moving it to rest on his shoulder.

"You don't have to stay with me Harry," I whispered.
"I know you don't really like me all that much to begin with."
"Of course I like you, Elle, we're both just smart people, it's why we butt heads so often," he laughed.
"Besides, I never got to properly thank you for helping me on the train when we first got here. Instead, I just picked a fight with you and for that, I am genuinely sorry. What you did really meant a great deal to me."

We stayed silent for a minute, but I didn't once peel away from him. Instead, I nuzzled myself into his shoulder even more and closed my eyes, taking in his warm scent.

"Did you know he asked me to marry him?"
I confessed, breaking the silence.
"I fucking said yes too. God, I said yes to that asshole, and the whole time he just wanted her."
I tried hard not to show that I was still crying, but as my voice cracked Harry turned to look down at my face, wiping a tear off my cheek with this thumb ever-so-slowly.
"You deserve someone better than that Elle, believe me," he said, making direct eye contact with me.
"You're not coming on to me now Potter, are you?" I joked, lightly punching him in the shoulder.
"Well, what better time than moments after you break up with my best friend?"
He gave me a playfully wink and I rolled my eyes.
"We really are broken up huh?" I asked, thinking out loud.

I put my head back on his shoulder and sighed.
"It'll be okay love, I promise." Harry said, kissing the top of my head.

We stayed like that for a while and I realized how safe I felt, being comforted like that by someone who I use to think was always just annoyed by me.
This was a different side of Harry; the less tense version of The Boy Who Lived and someone who's emotional range actually wasn't the size of a teaspoon.

That night I was extremely thankful for the existence of Harry Potter, despite the terrible heartbreak that was still clouding my mind and body.

A/N: Very sad I know, but don't be alarmed there is still a lot more of this story to come and I promise it'll all be worth it. I hope you enjoyed reading this far, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! I'll try my best to update soon but until then, have a good day!! <3

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