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I returned to the Slytherin common room surely after, seeing Faye in the corner reading a book

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I returned to the Slytherin common room surely after, seeing Faye in the corner reading a book. She looked sad, but the kind of sad that was comforting. I couldn't tell if it was because of me, or if she was just deep in thought like usual. It hurt me to see her without a smile, and I decided to take a seat next to her.

"We've ought to talk," I said, causing her to jump a little.
She closed her book slowly and curdled up in the chair, tucking her knees into her chest and facing away from me.
"Not now Elle," her voice was not as domineering as usual. Instead, it was barely above a whisper.
"Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.
I heard a sniffle as she wiped her cheek, and I noticed she had been crying.
"Faye please, I'm sorry?" I said, leaning over and grabbing her hands.
"Oh for Merlin's sake Elle, not everything is about you!" she raised her voice, yanking out of my grasp.
"Well if you won't tell me what's wrong, I'll just go ask luna," I stated, rising from the chair.
"Why does it even matter, she's probably off with Neville anyways," Faye mumbled.
"Neville? Neville Longbottom? What would she want with him?" I asked, half laughing.
Faye twisted in her seat to look at me and I saw how red her eyes were.
"She told me today that he asked her on a date, and she said yes."
"What do you like Neville now? Last I checked he hasn't got a vagina." I answered.
"No you idiot, I like Luna. I've always liked Luna, every day since we met her." Faye admitted, her eyes welling up with tears again.

I sighed and sat back down next to her, patting her knee lightly.
"Why don't you just tell her? I mean maybe her and Neville aren't what you think," I suggested.
"No, I can't tell her now. She seems happy when she's around him, I won't mess that up for her."
"You know Faye Bluebell," I said.
"You're too good for this world." I sighed, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"Well don't think you're off the hook either, I still find you severely annoying," she teased.
"We'll get used to it love, cause I'm going to be annoying you for the rest of your life and there isn't a thing you can do about it."
She rolled her eyes and smiled, which was a good change in mood.
I leaned down and grabbed her shoulders, staring dead into her eyes.
"Talk to Luna or I will." I threatened before walking off to our dorm to finally get some

I woke up that night to someone violently shaking me.
"Elle! Elle! wake up!" Faye shouted in my ear.
I jolted up from my bed and looked around frantically.
"Harry's here, he says Ron was poisoned!" She yelled again.
I looked over to the door where Harry stood, a terrified look on his face.
I nearly shoved Faye out of the way as I jumped up, slipping on the closest pair of shoes I could find and not even bothering to dress properly.

"What's happened to him?" I asked Harry as me, him, and Faye speed-walked down the halls alongside Dumbledore, who had allowed Harry to come get me in the middle of the night.
"He accidentally ate a love potion left for me by Romilda Vane, so I took him to Slughorn's office and we drank Mead, but Ron was the only one to get a sip in before we realized it was poisoned. He started shaking on the floor and everything, I had to shove bezoar down his throat. It was awful." Harry shuddered.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"Thank you for saving his life."
He squeezed my hand back as we continued through the castle.

Once arriving at the hospital wing, we were greeted by McGonagall, Slughorn, and my father.
I swallowed hard as he noticed me enter and raised an eyebrow.

"Eleanor, what are you doing running around with Potter at this hour?" He asked.
"Dad, a good friend of mine has just poisoned, I think that's a reasonable excuse to be out of bed," I argued.
"Yes of course dear," he replied, giving Harry a death stare.

I knew I had to keep a mild appearance now that my father was here, but I saw Ron lying in that hospital bed it took everything in me not to run over and hold him in my arms.
That's when I noticed someone was sitting beside him.

"Hello, Hermione," I said coldly.
"What are you doing here?"
She looked over to me and rolled her eyes.
"I'm Ron's best friend, why wouldn't I be here?" she asked.
"But of course," I offered her a fake smile and decided to keep quiet.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry. Using a Bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, eh, Horace?" Dumbledore says suddenly, turning to the older professor who sat glumly in a chair off towards the window.
"Oh, yes. I'm very proud," he mumbled in response.
"I think we all agree that Mr. Potter's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary?" McGonagall cuts in, investing the bottle of mess before passing it to my father.
He says nothing, only sniffs the bottle cautiously and frowns.
"It appears to have been a gift, Horace. You don't by chance remember who gave you this bottle, do you -- which by the way possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry when not polluted with poison." Dumbledore stated.
"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift myself, to you headmaster," Slughorn bowed his head in shame.

"Is he going to be alright?" Faye asked my father.
"Yes, it would seem so, " he answered in his usual uninterested tone of voice.
"I can't believe this has happened, my poor Ron," I whispered, tearing up a little.
I wiped my eyes and coughed, hoping my father had noticed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he can tell you're here." Faye whispered in my arm, grabbing on to my shoulders and squeezing them lightly.
Just then, Ron shifted slightly in his bed and groaned.
"Ron!" I called out, rushing to his side.
He moved around again and lazily held out his arm.

"Hermione," he groaned, barely conscious.
I felt the room go completely quiet as Hermione blushed, gladly accepting his outstretched hand.

I knew I couldn't react, my father was standing only a few feet behind me and any indication that I was upset might give him the right idea, so instead of responding, I stepped away from the bed and smiled.
"Well, Ron seems to be in good hands so I'll head back to bed. Thank you for looking out for him." I said bitterly.

I turned and stormed out, grabbing Faye's wrist and dragging her along as I passed by.
My father followed us out as well, escorting us back to our dorms.

"Ah, to be young and feel love's keen sting," I heard Dumbledore say in the distance.

Wasn't he right about that.


A/N: bit of a shorter chapter i'm afraid, but don't worry the shit storm is just about to begin. Thank you guys so much for reading, I made a trailer for this story but I can't figure out how to post it anywhere so for now it'll just have to wait I suppose

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