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Luna held my hand firmly as we started down a dark tunnel she had lead me to once all of the goodbyes were finished back at the cottage

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Luna held my hand firmly as we started down a dark tunnel she had lead me to once all of the goodbyes were finished back at the cottage.
I felt a cold emptiness next to me as I once again walked without Ron by my side, but I swallowed hard and continued on towards the school.

"Neville's going to meet us at the end to make sure we get in alright," Luna reminded me as she held her wand forward, giving us our only source of light.
"And I can stay hidden right? Just for now, until I figure out how to face my father?" I asked timidly.
Luna squeezed my hand and in the darkness I could still make out her little smile.
"Of course, we're all hiding out in the room of requirement anyways."
I nodded slightly and allowed my thoughts to wander back to the last time I saw Severus.

Deep down, I knew that apart of me still loved him dearly. He was the only parent I had growing up since my mother died when I was only 10 from a mysterious fire that set our home at the time up in flames.
After she was gone, my father never took his eyes off of me. When I got put in Slytherin my first year I swear he nearly cried. It was hard only having each other, but up until now he had never put me in danger or left me by myself.
I missed the old him, the guy who saw me as a person worth fighting for instead of just another obstacle in his way.

"Are you alright?" Luna asked suddenly, making me jump a little.
"Yeah I just got a bit lost in my thoughts," I replied.
Luna nodded and began to turn the corner, her wand still outstretched in front of us.
"Well this is it, Neville should be-"
"Hello loves!" He shouted, making both of us girls screech and jump into each other's arms.
Neville laughed as I peeled myself out of Luna's embrace, my heart racing.
"Are you barking mad? You scared me to death asshole!" I huffed, giving him a light slap on the arm.
"I didn't mean to honestly, though I did get you pretty good," he boasted.
I rolled my eyes and pulled him in for a quick hug.
"Thanks for helping out Nev."
"Is it true then? What Luna says? Harry's got a plan to kill You Know Who?" He questioned as we finished making our way to the end of the passage.
"I think so, they've got these things called Horcruxes, which contain Voldemort's soul. Once they destroy all 7 of them that pasty fucker doesn't stand a chance," I proclaimed, feeling an overwhelming sense of adrenaline at the thought of this all coming to end.
"Well I hope he knows he's got a team back here. We won't give up on him no matter what."
Neville held the door open with his back as he helpled Luna climb up through it.
"You're amazing you know, one day people are gonna write about you in books," I commented, gladly excepting his hand after Luna was completely inside.
"You only get books about you when you're dead," he argued.
I brushed off his comment as familiar faces all shifted towards us, welcoming me with a smile.

"Eleanor!" Ginny gushed as she ran towards me, leaping up and throwing her arms around my neck.
I hugged her back and let out a sigh of relief.
"Ginny , I'm so sorry. Please you have no idea how sorry I am," I babbled on, burying my face in her shoulder.
She pulled away and placed a hand on my cheek softly.
"It's okay Elle, I forgive you. Besides there is so much more to worry about than boys right now," she laughed.
I instantly felt better just at the sight of her grinning from ear to ear.
"Well if you must know, he's safe and so are Ron and Hermione. The three of them promised to come back for me sooner or later, but I'm not sure what their plan is. Until then Snape cannot know I'm here."
"Like I'd tell that greasy incel anything anyways," she protested, making me snort out of laughter.
"God I've missed you."
I pulled her into one last hug before scanning my eyes around the room.

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