The End.

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A/N: I'm sorry if most of this is rushed, it's a lot to shove into one chapter

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A/N: I'm sorry if most of this is rushed, it's a lot to shove into one chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the ending though ):

Once they were able to get me up off the floor, Harry lead the way to what once was Dumbledore's office with my father's final tears sloshing around in a tiny vile. No one said a word or made any noise, we all just walked in deafening silence as different explosions and bright lights danced in the distance.
I knew they didn't understand why I felt so merciful for the man who murdered Dumbledore in front of me and then my best friend's entire family, but something about his death just made him seem so innocent. I couldn't really explain it and I was thankful that for the time being nobody asked me to.

Once we arrived, I let out a huge sigh and curled up into Ron's side for comfort.
"Well, what do we do?" I asked, glancing around the room.
It felt cold and empty now that Dumbledore was gone, and the darkness of its walls sent a chill down my spine.
"Put them in here and then put your head in, it'll show us whatever memories he wanted you to see," Harry answered.
"I don't think I can do this."
The anxiety was building up in me once again as I thought about what these memories might contain.
Ron began to rub his hand up and down my back and I felt myself relax a little.
"We'll be with you the whole time okay? You've got this," Hermione added, placing her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm just scared I'll see my mother, or learn something really awful that I wish I'd never known."
"I can understand that, but he wanted you to do this for a reason."
"I agree," Harry encouraged.
I sighed and stepped forward, pouring the tears into the basin.
"And Elle," Harry said before I could lower my head.
"If there's anything you don't want to tell us, that's okay too."
I nodded and took a deep breath before putting my face down in completely.

From that point, I saw flashes of conversations between my father and Dumbledore, which were mostly about Harry. Dumbledore used my father as a spy to keep Harry safe and my father agreed to it because of his love for Harry's mother, Lily. Then there was a moment during the year where Dumbledore disclosed that he was cursed and only had a year's time, which is why Severus stepped up to kill him when it was supposed to be Draco. They also discussed how Dumbledore only cared for Harry and kept him alive this long because he was the final Horcrux and killing him would
make Voldemort mortal again.

My heart sank at that one.

Then it went farther back to my father and my mother, Clarissa, in which she said to him "Don't be foolish Severus, that was never you. You are nothing dark, you just got a little lost. But these girls, they can't make those same mistakes. I won't let them. You have to promise me that you will do whatever it takes to give them the best life possible."
I had no idea who she was talking about, but if my father wanted me to see it then it must be important.
The last and final memory was my father in the living room of the Bluebell house, drinking tea with Faye's father.
"You've been up to no good lately, haven't you Quincy?" my father asked as he sat on their loveseat.
"I know what he's ordered you and your wife to do, but I'm afraid I will never let that happen."
"Oh Severus, must we discuss such matters right now? I've invited you here for dinner, not a silly argument," Mr. Bluebell laughed.
Suddenly, my father jumped from his seat and grabbed the scrawny man by the collar of his button-down shirt.
"The life of my daughter and her boyfriend is not some silly little argument. Now I will give you one last chance to admit it. Tell me what he asked of you," he growled.
Mr. Bluebell trembled under my father's grasp and couldn't even bring himself to make eye contact.
"The dark lord asked us to take out Elle, the mudblood, and the ginger boy to see if it would weaken Potter. He thought if he lost the three people he loves most then he wouldn't even put up a fight. It's not my fault you let your no-good bitch of a daughter run around with the wrong sort."
Severus's face turned deep red as he glared and tossed Mr. Bluebell as hard as he could onto the floor.
"Avada Kadavra!" My father yelled out, striking him with a blinding green light.
"No!" Another voice called out, jumping in the way of Mr. Bluebell's body and being taken out by the curse as well.
I then noticed it was Faye, lying lifeless next to her father.

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