Chapter 5b

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I overslept that morning. I hastily brushed through my rats' nest of hair and ran to the cafeteria. I knew I wasn't supposed to be roaming campus alone while we were on lock-down, but after the caves, the senior novices who had gone along were given some leniency during daylight hours, so I managed to get there without too much issue. I got to the cafeteria a few minutes before breakfast was wrapping up, but I was starving. As soon as I had my tray loaded with food, I saw Adrian in a table in the corner, waving me over. Hesitantly, I took my tray and headed to his corner and sat across from him, filled with dread at the possible conversation that was about to happen.

"Little dhampir, I've been thinking of you this morning," he said. He was silent for a minute after that, leaving his words open-ended.

"And...?" I asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you and enjoy your company. Can't a guy do that?"

I said, "You want to know if I talked to Dimitri yet."

"I'd say yes, but from the glow of your aura this morning, I'm guessing you already have, and that you got the answer you were hoping for. Is he here somewhere?"

"No, I haven't seen him yet, but I'm hopeful. For now." I was a good liar when I wanted to be.

Adrian breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought for a minute there that I'd lost my chance."

"Chance?" I asked.

Adrian reached across the table and took my hand before I realized what was happening. "Rose," he said, using my actual name, as he so rarely did, "I have feelings for you. I know that you think you want him, but, if he should reject you, I'd really like it if you would consider going out with me."

Shit. Dimitri was right. Hopefully the shock on my face was the only emotion that Adrian was seeing.

Adrian continued, "I'd like you to give me a chance. I'll even give up cigarettes for you - unless I really, really need one."

"That's a lot to think about," I told him, "but, right now, I don't even know what Dimitri is going to say yet - and I don't even know when I'll have the chance to talk to him alone."

"Just think about it," said Adrian, "Okay?"

"I'll give it some thought," I said, quickly amending, "after I talk to Dimitri."

Adrian pulled my hand toward him, leaned down, and kissed it. "That's all I can ask," he said.

I looked up as Adrian kissed my hand and saw Dimitri walking in the back entrance of the cafeteria. He appeared to have that same emotionless face he always made, but his eyes flashed for just a moment at Adrian kissing my hand. Jealousy? I hardly had time to think about it as my eyes continued across the cafeteria and I saw Lissa exiting the feeder room with Christian. I smiled and waved them over to come sit with us.

When Lissa sat down beside me, I pulled my hand away from Adrian. "Rose, we have to talk," she told me, meaningfully eyeing our hands.

"You bet we do," I said, "Can we do it alone?" I looked at Christian and Adrian as I asked.

Christian, snarky as always, said, "If you're going to sit here and have girl-talk, that seems riveting and all, but I think I'll pass." He got up and walked away.

"I know you have some things to talk about," said Adrian, "and some things to think about." He winked and walked off.

"Rose," Lissa began, "before we talk about anything, I just want to say how glad I am that you came back safely last night."

"Thanks. I know you want to talk, and there are so many things I need to tell you."

I could already feel the questions about Adrian through the bond. "Liss ... Adrian isn't the thing we need to talk about. At least, not the main thing."

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