Chapter 40 - Leveling Up

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"So, doc, the thing is ... I'm sort of ... not ... the virgin I used to be anymore. Do you think you could give me a quick check to make sure I'm not preggers and give me a prescription for a stronger pill?"

"The chances of your being pregnant are very slim, Rose. Have you ever missed a pill?" she asked.

"No. I've taken my pill every day. I've never missed one."

"Have you been consistently taking your pill at the same time every day since you started having sex?"

I started to think. "Well, when I was at Court, I was unconscious for a few hours, so it was delayed, but other than that, I have been really consistent about the timing."

Doctor Olendzki smiled at me, "Even if you'd missed a day, you are constantly pushing your body to its limits and you live a very high-stress lifestyle. If you were only late taking it by a few hours one time and you've never missed a day, the chances are quite low that you'd be pregnant, but I'd be glad to administer the test if it gives you peace of mind, Rose."

After providing her with the necessary sample, she said to me, "It'll just take a few moments to get a result. Have a seat."

I sat down as Doctor Olendzki began running the test. "Rose, I know this is a strange time to tell you this, but I have to say, I'm really going to miss you. It's not often that a female novice is quite such a frequent patient as you - or that any student is, honestly. Most of the girls, especially, don't push themselves as hard as you do - or get into as many unexpected situations. In a way, I have spent so much time caring for you that I almost feel like a second mother to you."

"Thanks, Doctor O," I told her, "After most of the past thirteen years, it's not going to be the same to go to someone else instead of you when I have an injury."

"Seeing Guardian Belikov with you all the times you've been in the infirmary the past year, I can see that you both really care for each other. I know pregnancy isn't what either of you would hope for at this age, but if the baby would be his, I'm convinced that he would provide for you and take care of you."

"Umm ... thanks?" I say. Part of me was getting nervous that the reason she was going down this train of thought was that the little plus sign on the test was already starting to show a positive result.

"I'm glad to see you to have found someone who cares for you as much as he does. We have about twenty more seconds for a complete result, Rose, but so far, it looks like you're not pregnant."

I blew out a relieved sigh. "I'm not ready to be a mother," I told her.

"There," she said, as the timer beeped, looking down at the test, "Not pregnant."

"So how about some stronger birth control?" I asked her.

Doctor Olendzki opened up a drawer in the cabinet on the side of the wall and pulled out a packet of pills. "If you want pills, I have these here, or if you'd prefer, I could give you an injection or an implant?"

"What's the difference?" I asked.

"There are several. I can give you a pamphlet. The biggest differences are how long they last and how they're administered. The implant lasts for three years - or until you have it taken out, the injection lasts for twelve weeks, and the pills require daily use. I'll assume you already know how I would provide the injection and the pills. The implant would need to go in your deltoid. You'd need to be gentle with it for a few days."

"Implant me up, then, doc," I told her, "No better time than now, since I should be able to lay off the arm for a few days."

"Do you want to know about the other side effects first?" she asked.

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