•Pref - After a fight

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Louis – The fight was stupid, really. Louis got jealous because you thought the main actor in the movie you were watching was hot. As the fight progressed, Louis decided it would be best if he just walk away to cool down. He went into the bedroom and you stayed in the living room, thinking about how stupid it was to fight over a little comment you made. You heard the bedroom door opening and soon Louis appeared in the living room. “(Y/N), I’m sorry.” Louis mumbled, looking at his feet. “I am too, Lou. I really shouldn’t have-“ Louis cut you off. “No, I shouldn’t have freaked out over you saying an actor is hot. I know that if I were to say an actress is pretty, you wouldn’t have freaked out. I’m sorry, baby.” You stood up and walked over Louis, embracing him in a tight hug. “It’s okay, I love you.”

Zayn – “I don’t know what to do, Liam.” You hear Zayn speak into his phone. You’re currently in the bathroom with the door shut and locked and Zayn is in the hallway talking to Liam over the phone. “We got into a fight because she asked me how my day was. I told her to stop being so nosy and that the only reason she asks me is because she thinks I’m cheating on her. Yeah, Liam, I know she asks because she cares about me. I just don’t know what to do. I made her cry and lock herself in the bathroom, she won’t speak to me or anything.” Zayn soon got off the phone with Liam after thanking him. It was silent for a few minutes, but you knew Zayn didn’t walk away because you didn’t hear his shoes hitting against the floor. You got up off the bathroom floor and opened the door to see Zayn sitting directly across from the bathroom with head in his hands. He looked up at you and wrapped his arms tightly around you after standing up. “I know you only ask me because you care and I’m stupid enough to lash out at you for caring. I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” Zayn said hugging you tighter. “It’s okay, I’ll just stop asking you how your day was.” You hiccupped. “No, no! Don’t stop doing that. I love when you do because it shows me that you care. Please don’t stop caring.” You wanted to tell Zayn that you could show him how you cared in other ways but you knew he wouldn’t have that. “I could never stop caring.” You mumbled into his chest.

Harry – “Why do we do this?” Harry asked as he tightened his arms around you. “Because we’re stupid.” You sighed into his chest. You and Harry got into a fight about the laundry. Harry accused you of never doing the wash because whenever he needs an article of clothing it’s always dirty. The two of you went back and forth until finally you both realized how stupid it was to fight over something so silly. “We fought over the damn laundry.” Harry chuckled. “Only us.” You mumbled. It was quite for a bit, just you and Harry holding each other as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “I’m glad I get to fight these stupid little fights with you though.” Harry finally said, kissing your head. “Nobody else I would rather do it with.” You said leaning up and kissing him.

Niall – You and Niall got into a fight because you were out to eat and the waitress gave Niall her number right in front of you. Niall simply smiled at the girl and stuck the number in his pocket, not bothering to say anything about his girlfriend sitting right across from him. You were now home and sitting on your bed, replaying the whole fight in your head. “She gave you her number, Niall! Right in front of me!” You yelled at Niall once in the car. “So what?” He said, pulling out of the parking lot. “You didn’t bother to tell her I was your girlfriend and you still have the damn number in your pocket!” You were getting more mad by second just thinking about the waitresses number still in your boyfriend’s pocket. “I was going to throw it out when we got home! I couldn’t just throw it out there, that would have been rude.” You laughed sarcastically. “And not telling her when she handed you her number that you have a girlfriend wasn’t rude?” Niall didn’t say anything for the rest of the car ride. When you got home you went straight to the bedroom and Niall didn’t bother to follow, knowing you needed space. “(Y/N)?” Niall said opening the door slightly. You only looked at him waiting for him to continue. “I’m sorry. I should have told the waitress you were my girlfriend and I shouldn’t have taken her number. Please forgive me?” Niall cautiously walked towards you. “I’m sorry too, baby. I shouldn’t have freaked out the way I did. I just got jealous and upset.” You mumbled as Niall laid you down and cuddled with you.

Liam – Liam left about an hour ago, this was probably the worst fight yet. You saw a picture of Liam getting kind of close with his ex at a club. You said something to him about it and it started a full on war between you two. Liam ended up walking out and going somewhere, you wanted to call him but you knew it would be best of you let him have his space. Now, an hour later, you were still a crying and sobbing mess. You needed Liam, you went to the contacts on your phone before clicking the call button next to his name. “Hello.” He answered after two or three rings. “Li, c-come home. P-please.” You cried before you heard the line go dead. He must be really mad at you, the thought of him leaving you was beginning to run through your mind causing you to cry even harder. You didn’t hear the door open or Liam walk in, but you felt him sit down on the couch next to you and wrap his arms around you. He sighed into your hair, pulling you closer to him. “Please stop crying, you know I hate when you cry.” You looked up at him and cried a little harder. “Baby, I know you’re not crying because of our fight anymore. Tell me what’s wrong.” He said wiping your tear stained cheeks. “I-I thought you weren’t c-coming back an-and I thought you w-were going to leave m-me.” You sobbed. “I would never leave you, honey. That picture was photo shopped, quite poorly actually. I shouldn’t have left either, I should have stayed to talk it out.” Liam said, kissing you. “I’m sorry, Liam. I really am.” You sighed. “I know you are, baby. I love you.


First preference in a lllooonnnggg time! Lol. Well, I really hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think? Maybe let me know if you have any ideas for a preference? :)


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