Personal for Kayla *dirty*

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It had always been something special to you, you wanted to wait for the right person and right moment. Unlike most of the people you know. You were raised that it was not something to just give away to any random person. Niall understood that, he respected your decision to wait. So here you were, three months after you told him you wanted to wait, making dinner and waiting for him to come over.

A knock on my door pulled you away from the Alfredo sauce you were stirring into the pasta. You opened the door to see Niall standing there dressed in black pants and a button up shirt with flowers in his hand. You stepped aside to let him in and close the door. Niall quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a quick peck on the lips.

"You look beautiful, love." He complemented. You weren't dressed in anything fancy, just black skinny jeans and a high-low top.

"Thank you." You blushed and took to flowers from Niall and walking to the kitchen to put them in water and to finish dinner.

Niall leaned against the counter next to the stove as you finished stirring the sauce into the pasta. You were nervous to tell Niall what all this was for, you knew he would want to but you didn't know how to approach the topic. When you were finally done you had Niall get plates for the two of you.

"You seem a bit off, baby. What's wrong?" Niall asked, when you both sat down to eat.

"I-uhm wanted to talk to you about something, actually." You mumbled.

"What is it, Kayla?" Niall asked cocking his head a bit.

This was it. Just tell him you're ready to give your virginity to him. Why were you so scared?

You stalled. Niall gave you a loving smile, patiently waiting for me to tell him. You didn't really know how to word what you wanted to tell him, do you just say; Hey, I want you to take my virginity. Or I'm a young adult who is still a virgin and how about you take it? No, you needed to just tell him flat out. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

"I-uhm-I think I'm r-ready to give you my-my virginity?" You said as more of a question.

"You think or you're sure?"

"I'm s-sure, Niall. I want to give you my virginity. I trust you and I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else."

"You know you can't get it back, I'm not trying to talk you out of this but I just don't want you to regret it."

"I know, I just trust you enough to do this with you."

The conversation was over after that. There was an awkward tension lingering as you were sat on your couch watching some movie Niall put on. You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed that you brought up the topic. Niall had his arm slung around your shoulder, absorbed in the movie while your mind was elsewhere. In the somewhat beginning of your relationship Niall had told you that he wouldn't pressure you into having sex with him early into the relationship, that he would be ready when you were ready; but that was before you told him you were a virgin.

You were more than ready to do this with Niall, you don't know if it's because you saw a future with him or if it was because you were falling in love him, but you were ready. You couldn't be upset with him for wanting to make sure you really did want this because you know he's just making sure you're sure.

"I feel honored that you want me to be the one to take your virginity but I just want to make sure you're sure you want to do this, baby." Niall said a little above a whisper, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I know, but I would only feel comfortable doing this with you." Niall's eyes scanned my face and he pulled me closer into him.

"Than if you're sure you're ready to do this, I'm ready too."

One Direction Imagines/Preferences *Some dirty, some not dirty*Where stories live. Discover now