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For once in a long time, I wasn't sure what to do.

There were usually alternatives, like the little unmarked dirt path that was hidden beneath the brush. But as I descended down my metaphorical road, there were no unmarked paths that would lead me to dystopia. To a compromise. To peace.

I wanted to go down the alternate path. But I feel as if I'm forced to stay on this road, and I can see the destination that I don't want to reach. But with each drag of my feet I creep closer, and it scares me.

I don't want to lose John. I don't want to be part of the Royals, but I sympathize with Seraphina's pain, that not having an ability can affect you.

For once, I'm genuinely afraid that there's no alternatives, and I'm going to be forced to be in a position I don't want to be in.

I clamped my hands over head in frustration, jolting up in surprise as the clatter of the lunch tray slapped against the table.

Blyke and Isen hovered over me with concerned expressions as they took their seats next to me.

"Hey, you okay? You look....constipated." Isen said as he examined my face closely.

"I'm fine," I replied abruptly before tearing a chunk away from my burger. "I'm just hungry."

I averted my eyes to Blyke and studied his earnest expression, noting the bit of vehement conflict in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Blyke?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from me.

"Huh?" He said, swishing his head around to look at me. "Remi of course. Who else could it be—hey, stop smiling like that."

A flush emerged on his cheeks as Isen and I shot him suggestive smiles. It was no secret that Blyke had a huge crush on Remi. Even though I've tried talking to him about it, he's either been evasive or flustered, or a combination of both.

"Sorry," I said, stifling my laugh.

"I just don't get what it is with her," He said, throwing up a frustrated hand. "One day she's stalking this evil organization, then she's completely over it! And now....." Blyke stopped momentarily before tearing a frustrated chunk of burger away with his teeth. "And now, she's completely avoiding me! We haven't spoken to each other all week!"

"Relax, bro. You had math together this morning," Isen said nonchalantly.

"No, you relax!" He shouted back childishly. "Delta, you're her roommate. Haven't you noticed anything fishy about her?"

I shrugged.

"We don't hang out as often as you and her do. She's usually in her room doing homework. Just because I'm a close friend, it doesn't mean I'm entitled to invade her privacy. Whatever she does on her own time is none of my business," I said, sweeping my hair over the chair. "If she wants to confide in me, then that's her choice."

"Well, she's been acting weirder than usual. She's definitely hiding something from us," Blyke said with affirmation.

"Or maybe she's sick of you," Isen snickered.


My chewing slowed as I processed this, thinking about my most recent interactions with Remi. Contrary to what Blyke believes, there's a reason for her passiveness. As Arlo once told me, she's only quiet when she sets her sights on something.

"She's been doing a lot of stuff pertaining to EMBER, right?" I asked, interrupting them from their infantile bickering. "I mean, the fliers.....and the fact that she has all these well thought out theories about them. Do you think......?"

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