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The remnants of what was left of the sun streamed through the room as I entered my dorm. I was running on the very last dregs of whatever energy I had left, not even sparing a bit for my reserves.

Before I could take another step, a sudden slam of books slapping roughly against the table shook me out of my stupor as I looked up to pinpoint the source.

A cute pink haired girl sighed with an exasperated expression contorting her features, looming over Blyke and Isen.

"I don't know why teachers always like to give out tests at the end of the quarter," she complained before plopping down in the seat across from them. "Now I have a million tests to make up!"

Her eyes averted to her friends before shifting to me, immediately melting away her expressive fits.

"Oh, hi. You must be my new roommate, right?" She asked in a quirky tone that startled me.

"Yeah." I said, careful to prevent my voice from faltering.

"Delta!" Isen said cheerfully. "This is the girl I told you about, Remi."

Remi, the Queen, as Isen told me. For some reason, I expected someone with a cutting-edge demeanor, a female who reeked with a sense of order and dominance in anyone's presence. I imagined she would be imitate the King as a counter part, but, to me, she looked like the Queen of a cotton candy land.

"Nice to meet you." I said casually. "I'm Delta. If I would've known there were going to be guests, I would've come sooner." I replied as I sauntered over to the fridge, debating on what meal I should prep.

It was a force of habit, something I picked up from Miss Rose. It's customary to have some kind of beverage or sustenance to offer for guests, I remember her saying curtly from a time she lectured me about etiquette. Which was true, but this was mainly to give me an excuse to tinker around with something to bar the haze of awkwardness threatening to overcome us.

"So you're the Delta, huh? The one who managed to break Arlo's barrier during Turf Wars?" She questioned as I began pulling out the necessary ingredients.

Blyke whirled around as surprise contaminated his expression.

"You heard about that? How...?" He asked.

"Dude, people were whispering about it all day!" Remi said as she skimmed through a textbook. "But what happened during Turf Wars?"

She seemed to be searching for a response from me rather than Blyke.

"Well, we won and Seraphina subbed in for you as Queen." I replied simply as the knife clopped against the wooden board.

"Really?" Remi looked up from her book. "Did she fight?"

"No. Delta basically took her place." Blyke replied. "Arlo didn't want her to fight and she seemed kind of upset about it."

"Sheesh, when will those two fight it out? They've always had beef with each other! But whatever, that's none of my business." She closed her book.

So i'm not the only one who has a problem with Arlo. In spite of holding the highest title, Seraphina didn't seem too bent on using it to exert her authority over other people. In fact, she didn't appear to really care about it at all.

"What?! But you're Queen! It's kind of your responsibility to break them up."

"Oh come on! We both know that I only have the title because Seraphina doesn't want it!" Remi stared at me. "And if there's another female student stronger than me, then it's evident who going to take the title!"

"Wait, what?!"

It was true that customarily the titular Queen would be given to the strongest female. But despite being a god tier, I was on the outer circle of the knit group of Royals. And I intend to keep it that way.

"I can assure you," I said as I threw the contents into a pan, "that I have no interest in seizing your title from you."

In fact, the events of Turf War made me find the hierarchical works of the Royals more repulsive than rewarding. Whatever Irel preached about before, it was obvious that under the influence of Arlo, liberties as a Royal were much more different back then than now.

It was only three years ago when Irel was a student here, when low tiers had some sliver of hope to grab provided by the Royals of his year. But it only proved how with a simple overrated title, it can shift the socialism of the entire school. With John's consistent beatings and the lust of power from majority of the students here, I doubt Arlo directed any necessary attention to the low tiers' struggles.

"Look, she and Arlo are on a different level from me-even you!" She looked at me. "I'm not going to get involved in their problems anymore." She explained pointedly.

That makes two of us. But the only difference was that Remi was already part of the Royals. She couldn't avoid their problems even if she willingly decided to keep out of it.


"If I got caught in their crossfire, what could happen to me?" I could get kil-" Remi stopped herself nervously. "Ah....I don't know."

Blyke narrowed his eyes.

"So, why did you go home?" He asked. "You left so suddenly. Is everything alright?"

I saw her brown eyes tear up as she closed her second book shakily.

"Remi...?" Isen asked worriedly, noticing the heavy gloom that suddenly appeared before her.

"I....uh..." Remi started shallowly, "went home to attend a funeral because....ah....my brother was murdered." :;

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