Chapter 5

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Hannah and Hope were heading to Pastor young's house. They stood outside of it coming up with there plan."Well how do we save them what if she remembers us." Hope asked.

"I can't compel my mother but you can so thats what you do you compel her to not remember us" Hannah said. She was sure that would work it had to.

"Alright" Hope said. The two went invisible and snuck into the cellar. They seen the guard who would die next time he came in leave. They snuck in and seen Elena fading fast.

They snapped and they were visible. Hope went and broke the cell off and went to Elena. Hannah followed. She bit her wrist and gave it to her mother."Drink."

Elena shook her head."Now Elena" Rebekah said,"I will not let my brother lose the one girl he's opened his heart to drink."

Elena drunk some of Hannah's blood why Hope went and broke the other cell doors. She let everyone else out. Hannah helped her mom up."You i've seen you before."

"I got her you help them they need your witch magic remember" Hope said.

"Ok" Hannah said. Hope smiled to Elena.

"Who are you two." Elena asked.

Hope looked her in her eyes and said."You don't know us were just two girls looking for a place to call home"

Hope was leading them out when Hannah yelled."Hope watch out,"

Hope turned around and vamped the guard against the wall. Her eyes growing Amber."I'm the strongest person in this room. Touch them and i won't hesitate to kill you. Understand there free to go other wise i can and will rip out your spleen and feed it to your friends."

"Yes mam understand"

"Your a hybrid" Rebekah said.

"You leave now" Hope growled. The guard ran.

Hannah waved her hand and everyone's neck snapped except Elena 's and Rebekah's."Compel her to leave and not remember this please" Hannah said.

Hope vamped in front of Elena."The last thing you remember is being saved and me leading y'all out then you ran straight home afterwords. And you didn't stop your friends are fine. Go" Elena vamped out.

"You can compel vampires who are you two girls" Rebekah asked.

"I'm Hope Mikaelson your neice this is Hannah your other neice she's my cousin. Elena she'll get pregnant after miss Mystic Falls. My mom's a wolf named Hayley. They become your best friends and you get to see your brother happy to a point they love us but they risked there lives for us and all three of them will die. Were here to change the future. And get her parents together."

"I'm Hannah my parents are Kol and Elena. The two people i trust with my life. He's a wonderful father so is uncle Nik and thats why we came back to change that. I can't take losing my father i hated seeing how broken my mother was. They weren't together when i was born and never got together but they love each other they've both admitted it. But thats what makes it so bad they were scared they'd hurt each other" Hannah said.

"I'll keep your secret but you two are playing a dangerous game messing with the past" Rebekah said.

"We know but i'm a hybrid and she's a tribid that means emotions on blast i just want my dad back and my parents happy" Hannah said.

"I'll help anyway i can i'd love to have kids of my own but since i can't i guess two selfless neices will do good luck" Rebekah said.

"Thank you"  Hope smiled. They were both happy to have Rebekah's help. They knew that they could do this they had to.

"Then that means will have to compell all these vampires crap" Hannah groaned.

Elena had went home but then realized she wanted to be somewhere else. She walked into the grill and seen Kol sitting at the bar she went and sat next to him."I completed the transition. I changed my mind but i want you to help me there gonna try to control me and i don't want that."

"Did they give you a daylight ring" Kol asked.

"She tried but i didn't take it its dark right now." Elena said. She didn't want to be a vampire she had always dreamed of growing old and having a family of her own but now that dream may never happen.

"I happen to know a lot of powerful witches i had this made." He took out a small box and gave it to her.

"What is this" Elena asked.

"Open it" Kol said,

Elena opened it and gasped.

(We just gonna pretend its the right crystal)

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(We just gonna pretend its the right crystal)

"Can you help me put it on" Elena asked. Kol nodded. He got up and went behind her. She handed him the necklace and lifted her hair he put it on her.

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