Chapter 6

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Hannah and Hope were onto there next task. They were going to make sure that everyone thought differently of the originals and knew how nice they really were. So they called Bonnie, Rebekah, Matt, Tyler Damon Stefan and Caroline altogether.

"What are we doing here" Tyler asked.

"We need to talk" Hope said.

"Who are you two" Jeremy asked.

"More powerful then yout" Hannah said.

"I'm Andrea Marshall this is Freya Flemming. Don't ask questions and no she is not a daughter of Isobel." Hope said.

"Marshall as in Hayley Marshall." Tyler asked,

"Wolf slut" Caroline asked.

"No i have no idea who that is" Hope said. She was trying really hard not to seem angry with what Caroline said.

"Why are we here and Elena's not" Stefan asked.

"Because she's training to be a vampire with my brother right now. He even gave her the cutest necklace ever. Is a crown with a lapis crystal in the middle" Rebekah said.

"Silver" Hannah asked.Rebekah nodded. She breathed in and out she knew that necklace her mother still wore it.

"Freya" Hope said/

"Do y'all really not trust the originals i mean what did they do to y'all" Hannah asked.

"Um what haven't they done" Damon asked.

"They did it to my- i mean Elena not y'all and she managed to forgive them i get he stole y'all girl but doesn't matter. The minute Stefan drove her off that bridge and you started only worrying about her life and smothering her she  changed her mind about what she wanted."Hannah said.

"Calm down" Rebekah groaned.

Hannah took a breath in and out. Then she spoke calm and caring."Sorry just let her life don't try to take it from her. After everything she's been through. Let her have something for her. Her life goes up and downhill every week. And through it all she's always there for y'all. How about y'all be there for her."

"I missed her side of you" Hope smiled.

"I don't want to yell i don't want y'all to be scared of me. But i've been watching y'all for years. And its never gotten better. She's gonna be broken soon all because y'all are controling her. As someone who's seen it first hand let her be. And there not a threat. They just want to live there lives. Klaus is in love with you Caroline theres nothing he wouldn't do for you. I've only seen him act that way to 6 other girls. 4 of which he was related to. The other two were in love with his brothes what does that tell you. He'd risk his life for all of you. He loves all of you in his own way." Hannah said.

"Whose the two brothers" Jeremy asked.

"Finn and Elijah" Hannah lied. She kept her voice calm so no one noticed.

"I love this side of you the nice caring risk your life for everyone side you don't show it since he died" Hope said.

"Give the originals a chance there better as allies then enemies. We can share this town if y'all work together and get along everything will turn out all right please" Hannah said.

"I'm willing to give them a try for my sister" Jeremy said."But he better not hurt her." 

"Klaus is trying to steal my girlfriend" Tyler said.

"Your not supposed to be in Mystic Falls" Hope said.

"Go break there sire bond thats the only way you can win" Hannah smirked.

"I like you" Rebekah said.

"Thanks" Hannah said.

"I'll give them a chance for Elena" Bonnie said."This could be her forever i'm not gonna ruin it because of my feelings for that family."

"Same i won't do that to her" Caroline said.

"Salvatore idiots what about you" Hope said.

"Ok" Stefan said.

"Alright" Damon said.

"Thank you" Hannah said.

"For Elena" Matt said.

"Fine i'll play nice for Elena" Tyler said.

"Will be at peace" Rebekah said.

"Everyone except Rebekah and Bonnie can leave now" Hope said,

They left leaving the two girls with Bonnie and Rebekah,

"You two are doing good. I heard they kissed yesterday" Rebekah said.

"Did i mess up to much they didn't get together till Mystic Falls" Hannah said.

"I don't know" Hope said. She went and stood by Bonnie she almost tripped and Bonnie caught her."Oh my god."

"You've always been clumsy" Hannah said.

"Oh shit" Hope cursed.

"When your mom is 6 months were taking a girls day" Hope said.

"Why" Hannah asked. She knew Hope and knew that something was wrong."Tell me now."

"I can't" Hope said. She knew this was going to make Hannah mad and angry.

"NOW" Hannah demanded her eyes started to glow purple.

"My dads the reason they didn't get together its all his fault" Hope said.

"What" Hannah asked.

"I got a message from future Bonnie a long message your parents dated. They got together after she turned. But when she was six months my dad but bad thoughts into Kol's head told him that Elena cheated on him. They got into a huge argument. She said a lot of stuff she didn't mean so did he they broke up and she ran. Damon found her thats when they got together. She never went back and he went to New Orleans. She had you a month later and her and Damon moved to new Orleans a few months later Davina and your dad got together. She was gonna go back in apologize until she ran into Damon. If my dad didn't say anything they'd still be together. My mom talked some sense into him and he felt bad for what he did but it was to late. The damage was done they were done." Hope said.

"Oh my god" Hannah said.

"She said keep going the argument has to happen. So they go back to each other. We have to let it happen and make sure Damon isn't there to help her" Hope siad.

"Then thats what we do we keep going" Hannah said

"Nice name change by the way" Rebekah said.

"We just used our middle names we both have two we decided on the ones that would make the most sense i'm Hope Andrea Rebekah Mikaelson"

"Hannah Mirandia Freya Mikaelson"

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