Chapter 8

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It was  Miss Mystic Falls. Elena had really good control. She was helping Caroline organize the party. Hope had Healed quickly due to Jeremy killing a vampire. Hope was watching her mom from afar and trying not to cry. She turned around to find Hannah. She was walking towards Hannah when she felt someone touch her shoulder.

She turned around and seen her mom."Yes."

"Why are you following me" Hayley asked,"You were watching me and considering i can smell the Hyrbid don't lie to me."

"Umm umm" Hope stuttered.

"What do you know" Hayley asked.

Hannah seen Hope and walked over to her."Nothing. She was just wondering about your birthmark she has the same one."

"Really" Hayley asked.

Hope showed her her shoulder."If you ever find them tell me about it. I gotta go."

"Bye" Hayley said.

"Bye" Hope turned around and walked a way a few tears coming down her face.

Hannah waved by and walked over to Hope."You ok."

"It was my fault she died. She jumped out with that witch and burned to death to save me." Hope whispered. They walked over to the table where Bonnie and Rebekah were."I'm gonna start Expression"

"No your not" Hannah said.

"Either me or Bonnie" Hope said.

"I hate to say this but Bonnie may be the better option." Hannah sighed. She took a breath in and out."If she does expression then it'll lead up to everything else. We still need everything else to happen here. So the girl your in love with will still be born."

"What" Rebekah asked."You have a crush."

"Want me to tell everyone your secret miss" Hope groaned.

"I'll tell them myself last year i miscarried a baby. Only my parents knew then my father died and my mom broke." Hannah said.

"You little" Hope groaned.

"Say it i dare you" Hannah said.

"I don't have to say it all i have to say is someone's watching you" Hope said. Hannah turned and seen Elena walking away.

"She's starting to get suspicious" Bonnie said.

"How" Hannah asked.

"Your a spitting image of her and my brother and your glammar is starting to wear off" Rebekah said."Your supposed to be getting readu for ms. Mystic Falls go one of my brothers are escorting you two"

Hannah and Hope ran inside and Bonnie asked."Father daughter dance."

"I convinced Elena to let Kol dance with Hannah and got Klaus to dance with Hope" Rebekah said.

"Aww" Bonnie squealed.

"I also compelled two girls to get dresses and get them ready" Rebekah said.


Elena and Caroline were on the stage." As previous Miss Mystic falls me and my best friend are going to announce this years court."

"Then lets get started"

"First we have April Young escorted by Jeremy Gilbert. "Jeremy wasnt there and Matt stepped in. "Or Matt Donovan." April walked down and met Matt and they walked to the dance floor."Next we have Amber Johnson escorted by Micheal Lobley."  He escorted her to the dance floor.

"Next we have Andrea Marshall escorted by Klaus Mikaelson." Elena said. Hope walked down the stairs Elena could see she was trying not to cry. Klaus took her to the dance floor. "And finally we have Freya Flemming escorted by Kol Mikaelson." Hannah walked down and Elena could see the sadness in her eyes like she was gonna cry. Kol guided her to the court.

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