Chapter 15

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Elena was 5 months pregnant Hayley were two. They were talking with Rebekah Hannah and Hope."So let me get this straight. You two think you know what the genders of our kids are but not only are you refusing to tell us. " Hayley asked.


"I don't like you two." Elena glared at the two teenagers. She couldn't believe that they were rfusing to tell her whether she was having a girl or a boy and she really wanted to know.

"You love us. Don't lie." Hope grinned.

Elena shook her head. She knew that there was something familiar about this but she couldn't put her finger on it."Fine i don't hate y'all but i really wanted to know. I'm going to schedule an appointment with Meredith."

Elena was sitting on the couch reading a book when Kol came and sat next to her."Are you ok."

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." She smiled at him. She was more than a little tired maybe not going to sleep last night hadn't been the best idea for her. But she couldn't sleep."I didn't sleep much last night. And y'all were doing family stuff i didn't want to call complaing. Caroline came over and we just talked till i fell asleep."

"You can always call Darling." He wrapped his arms around her. And she layed on him started to drift off.

Her voice was going down with each word she spoke."I don't want to disturb you when your with Family. Especially Freya, Give her a chance i know there's good in her. Do the way she looks at those two she cares about them. Like no other. Give her a chance." She liked Freya she knew that there was something special about her.

-- past

Elena and Freya were sitting on the couch with Freya and Keelin. Elena looked to the two girls to ask."Do you think that everything will be alright."

Freya nodded."Hannah is a smart kid. They both are. That girl has been through a lot. But it's because of you and my brother that she ever made it. Y'all should have happened but too many things got in the way of that. And its not your fault, what she is doing will benefit everyone i know it will."

Freya knew that Hannah and Hope could do it. But she didn't want Elena to know that she could see the past memory's and know what was going on for saftey. She knew that Elena needed to focus on one thing at a time.

-- Real past
Freya was with Hannah and Hope."What did you two do."

They looked at eachother then back at Freya'"Nothing."

"Hannah Hope."

Hope sighed."We didn't do anything aunt Freya but the fact that we could trick you into thinking that we did something that we weren't supposed to is golden."

"I just don't want you two to get hurt you know i'm always here if you need help. I will always be here no matter what."

"We know aunt Freya and for that we love you." Hannah said.

"I will always be here. Your parents are great. But if you ever need to talk to someone that is not them i'm here." Freya meant it. If they ever needed anything they could come to her and she would help them. No matter what it was.


Hannah and Hope knew that they would always have there aunt Freya. No matter what that she would be there for them. And they loved and apprecaited that knowing when they couldn't go to there parents that they could go to her and that everything would be ok.

A Journey To Find Love- KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now