Chapter 17

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Elena was sitting on the steps of her lake house. Tears were coming down her face. In a flash Caroline was next to her,"Are you ok."

"I didn't do anything Caroline i was with Rebekah all day yesterday."

"I know" Caroline wrapped her arms around Elena."He doesn't believe a word that he was saying Lena. Klaus put those thoughts into his head."

"Can i be alone please."



Rebekah was angry. She was so mad. Hannah flashed out Hope followed her. She hated that her neice had to hear that."She was with me all day yesterday. All day she was with me. You two were busy and we went to go find the gender. Your getting a daughter Kol. Go apologize to her."

Hayley pushed Klaus down the stairs."So stupid. Why just why. You couldn't leave the girl alone. You hate her that much." Hayley walked down the stairs and went and stood by Rebekah."She's 6 months pregnant. Does anyone remember this."

Freya walked down."Rebekah i'm going to find them before they do something bad they can leave we can't. And if she's anything like i remember she was never one for them arguing. Never has been."

"Ok call me if you need help there still 16."

"I'll call Keelin and Bonnie and will look for them."


Freya walked out. Hayley looked at Rebekah."Them arguing is this not there first time or something. I thought they were 15 what the hell is going on and why did she flash out like that."

"Oh bloody hell.  You heard that." Rebekah asked."Kol go talk to Elena she was with me yesterday with Caroline planning to tell you that you were having a girl. She has been nothing but loyal to you. She loves you more than anything." Kol flashed out.

"Why were y'all in there room. And she was crying what happened."

"I can tell you." They all looked towards the door it was Davina although none of them knew that.

"Who are you?" Klaus asked.

"Your  soon to be sister in law."

"Your Davina right the bitch." Rebekah asked.

"Soon to be whose getting married?" Hayley said.

"So you've heard of me Rebekah." Davina smirked.

"Yeah i heard how my niece fucking hates you and so does her mother and how she wants to drive a stake through your heart."

"Hannah never did like me i was always in the way. I've been trying to find her then i hear that she went to the past. To change everything."

"So where is my beloved step daughter. You know yay high death threats everyone but can be as sweet as her mother or my redhead niece."

"Wait what?" Hayley asked."Your telling me that was my daughter and niece."

"Yup." Davina smirked.

Bonnie ran in."What are you doing here you little bitch!"

"Hi Bonnie heard i came back."

"Yeah spread like wildfire." Bonnie threw her hand out and made Davina fly against the wall."Your nothing compared to what i can do. I've warned you once and i'll warn you again i don''t like you and your dead to me"

Davina stood up."I never did anything to y'all."

"You didn't you called my god daughter a Mistake right after she miscarried her baby. You were mean to hurry and when ever Elena said something you tried to play victum. But here's the truth he never loved you. You were the distraction,"

"Thats not true."

"That necklace she wears was the first thing he ever gave her when she was a vampire. He also told her he still loved her but he didn't want her to be in danger while you two are together and kisssed her. But now you two are done and i have a sealing spell to cause there never setting foot in New Orleans and this is the new Future." Bonnie put her hand out."Davina Claire you can no longer travel to the past"Davina disapeared in a flash.

Bonnie fainted. Everyone was to shocked to say anything. When she woke up she was so confused."How did i get here what is going on."

Rebekah ran over to her and helped her up."Future you came you got a sealing spell to do."

"Where's Hannah and Hope."

"Hannah flashed out Freya and Keelin went to go look she said she was calling you" Rebekah said.

"Last thing i remember was Caroline calling she said Elena's at the lakhouse crying that she wanted to be alone then everything went black." Bonnie looked up at her fear in her eyes."Get me to the falls."

Rebekah grabbed her and flashed out.


Elena was sitting on the porch Caroline left to go find Bonnie. She couldn't believe that she said that. That he believed that. She didn't think he did and she hoped that he didn't.

"I'm sorry."

She looked up and seen Kol standing in front of her."Thought you didn't want to be near me anymore cause apparently i'm a cheater. Even though since we've been together i've been with no one else."

He went and sat next to her."I shouldn't have started to believe what Nik was saying. I was scared i finally learned to love someone and it was all going down the drain that i lost the bes thing that ever happened to me."

"I love you more than i have ever loved anyone. I would never do that to you. He doesn't want to see y'all straying from him and he doesn't like that you are. He doesn't believe that the rule could have possibly have broken. And thats not your fault. its not your fault that y'all are getting your own lives and he doesn't like it. Its been a thousand years he needs to grow up." Her voice faltered a little bit she was so angry . She looked out into the distance and lowered her voice."I didn't like that side of you i didn't like being accused of something that i never did. I hated it i hated the Idea of you not wanting her and believing that after all of this i would hurt you like that i would never do that to you."

he sighed and put his head down."I should have believed you. I shouldn't have accused you of something that you didn't do."

She turned her head and looked at me"Your it for me Kol. Were Vampires we get to be parents. This is forever i don't want to lose you. You can't get mad and blow your top especially not at me. Not if we want this to work."


Rebekah and Bonnie arrived at the falls. Freya and Keelin were talking witht he girls. Bonnie ran up there."Are you Ok?"

"I couldn't stay there it hurt to much Bonnie. I hated hearing them arguing."

"Baby its over. We put the sealing spell up and this becomes your new future and when you hit 15 will remember all of this."


The four witches got in a circle. And they started the spell. The spell stopped and Freya and Keelin looked at eachother. Before turning towards the girls."There together for the rest of there lives and were still all going to be a family. Me Keelin and Marcel retained our Memories."

"When do we have to leave." Hope asked.

"After both of you are here you have until then." Freya sighed.


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