Chapter 12

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Elena was at home she was throwing up really bad. She had finally stopped and she knew it was a matter of time before she started again. Elena took out her phone and Called Rebekah."Hello"

"I need help i don't feel good" Elena sighed. Then she had to puke again. She threw up all the blood and food that was in her stomach,

"Ok will be over shortly" Rebekah said.


Rebekah walked downstairs and seen her brothers sitting on the couch they were talking with Hope and Hannah.

"You need more Hybrids" Hope asked.

"He wants more he does not need more" Kol said.

Hannah went and grabbed a bowl and cut Hope's wrist. She used magic to make it bleed out. Then she stopped it."There."

"Umm Elena just called me she's not feeling good at all. She's throwing up. She called me then right after she told me she started puking again."

Hanna and Hope looked at eachother and smiled. Hannah turned to Rebekah/"I can check and see whats wrong with her vampires don't throw up."

The girls knew that it was time to start the next phase of there plan and that meant making sure that none of them can leave Mystic Falls.


Hope Hannah Kol and Rebekah arrived at Elena's house. They walked inside and heard her throwing up. Hannah had to fight the urge to run inside. Kol vamped inside leaving them. Elena was sitting against the wall in the bathroom.

Hannah went to her and put her hand on her stomach. She went and grabbed a knife and went back in the bathroom. She cut Kol's wrist and let it drop into the cup. She gave it to Elena."Drink"

"What is wrong" Kol asked.

"I think we should leave them alone while Freya tells them whats going on" Rebekah said.

Hope nodded and her and Rebekah left out.

"Someone did a spell on her. I can trace it but it'll take me a few days she's pregnant. Let me finish. I suggest going to see Meredith it does look like your having a hyrbid so that means you need to drink more blood. Originals are stronger there blood is stronger. I'm going to leave you to to talk." Hannah got up and walked out leaving the two alone. She was scared to know what there reactions were going to be.

Elena was looking at her hands."How is this possible" Elena was freaking out. She had always wanted to be a mother. But she was told vampires couldn't  have kids.

Kol didn't know how it happened. But he had always wanted a child of his own. He had been told that he couldn't have kids and now he was finding out that he was getting his girlfriend pregnant."Everything will be ok."

"I"m scared" Elena whispered.

He stood up and helped her up."I won't let anything happen to either of you."

"How are you so calm i'm freaking out. " Elena was trying to get control of her breathing but she couldn't.

"Because one of us needs to be" Kol said. He took her hand and led her back into her room."Its still early do you want to go see Meredith" Elena nodded.


Hope Rebekah and Hannah walked into the Mikaelson manor. They had called everyone besides Kol and Elena to meet them.

"Whats with the meeting" Caroline asked.

"Elena's pregnant" Rebekah said.

"Not possible vampires can't have kids" Stefan said.

"I agree with Stefan its not possible" Elijah said.

"I confirmed it myself she is 3 months pregnant. The baby is a hyrbid. Witch/Vampire she'll have magic from y'all line it'll  be really powerful and when she dies she'll become the first original heretic." Hannah said.

"We don't know how its possible yet but if anyone does anything to mess with them you deal with me personally" Rebekah said.

"And me" Elijah said. Rebekah smiled. Everyone in the room turned and looked at him."For the first time in centuries my brother has found love. And no one will ruin that. Elena is apart of this family i don't think anyone wants to deal with us."

"We have to go do something" Hope siad. She grabbed Hannah's hand and vamped out. They went to Mystic Falls boarder. Hannah took the blood she had took from all of them and the two sat on the ground. She grabbed out a bowl they mixed the blood together. They put in the extra ingredients in. They set the candles up and joined hands they started the spell. When it was done Hannah got up and poured the blood slowly over the border line.

"Caroline our moms Bonnie Rebekah our dads Elijah they can't cross the border they can't leave this town." Hannh said.

"We have to Hannah for there own protection. For our sanity and i'm ok with that" Hope said.


Elena and Kol got to Meredith's she took them back when Elena said it was supernatural related."So whats going on."

"I'm pregnant" Elena said.

"I thought vampires couldn't have kids" Meredith asked.

"There not supposed to but somehow she is" Kol said.

"A witch confirmed it." Elena said.

"Ok get on the bed pull up your shirt i'll give you an ultra sound." Meredith said. Elena did as told. When she was on the bed. Meredith set it up. She put the gel on Elena's stomach. She used the wand and rubbed the gel around. The faded heartbeat filled the room and the image came on the screen."You are pregnant 3 months along. I don't know why you are just now getting your symptoms but i believe that it has something to do with the fact that you are both vampires."

"So is it gonna be like a normal pregnancy" Elena asked.

"Yeah just your symptoms are going to be more frequent. Your body is made to not ever change but you are." Meredith said.

"Is that why i was throwing up blood earlier" Elena asked.

"Yeah you need something stronger. You need vampire blood." Meredith said."I want you to check up with me in 3 months everything should be fine. I'm going to give you a stronger dosage of the prenatial vitamins"  Merdith went to grabbed them and came back with it"Two of these a day."

"Thank you Meredith" Elena said.

"No problem Elena i'll always be here if you need it" Meredith said. Elena wiped the gel off her stomach and her and Kol left.

"Have you ever wanted children" Elena asked.

Kol turned to her and smiled."Once"

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