Chapter 14

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Hope and Hannah were in the grill."So you ready my mom is offically three and a half months which means that Hayley is next." Hannah said. They were happy the plan was going well.

"I know but how are we supposed to do that were going to have to go through Elijah." Hope said.

"Then we go through Elijah. It won't be that hard he's the good brother." Hannah said. She knew that this plan had to go right they couldn't mess it up.

"Ok then lets go" Hope said.

The two got up and walked out. They knew that this was hard to do but they had to do it. They couldn't stay in New Orleans. It was safer for them here. There was no hollow here they could deal with everything else. Hannah's favorite part there was no Davina here.

They went to the Mannor and seen Elijah. Hope listened to see if anyone was there and they weren't."Elijah we have news." Hope said,

He looked up at them confused, Hannah and Hope went and sat across from him."What if we said Elena wasn't the only one pregnant" Hannah said.

"Meaning." Elijah said.

"You have two brothers two different girls are pregnant 3 months apart exactly. Elena's ahead of her. Both are having girls and there are going to be  2 girls and there will be a lot of witches after them. After the attack on Elena the other day Klaus doesn't want a kid. What if she gets attacked." Hope said.

"Who is the girl" Elijah asked.

Hope's phone started ringing.  She answered it and put it to her ear."Tyler why are you calling me."

"Hayley Marshall just got kidnapped by witches." Tyler said.

"On my way ty thanks" Hope hung up ran and grabbed a knife and a map. She sat it on the table She stabbed herself with the knife keeping it in there so the blood would flow. Once some fell on the map. Hannah did the spell.

"I swear this is a daily do people just like messing with us." Hannah groaned. When the spell was finished they gave Elijah the location."Hayley Marshall is pregnant with te worlds first tribid. She's in danger go."


Everyone was in the living room. Hayley was standing against the wall and Elena was besides her,"What happened to vampires can't procreate."

"Umm." Hope started to think of an excuse,"Freya."

"Is's a spell for stuff like this. And since Klaus is a wolf and your a wolf who is human well you can." Hannah said.

"Who are you two." Hayley asked.

"Freya. This is Andrea." Hannah said.

"Something is up with you two i just can't put my finger on it." Elena said.

Hope and Hannah looked to Bonnie. Who thankkfully had them covered."Freya is a descendant of the Petrova line. Andrea is a cresent Alpha. They got turned young and lost there parents. They've been through a lot. Chased by witches but they do make good allies."

"Look we get that y'all don't us and i honestly don't blame y'all. But were not here to hurt y'all were here to help." Hannah said.

Hope looked towards Hannah. She did love when she acted like her mom."She's right we just want to help. Were not here to cause pain."

"Look trust us or don't. But there is one thing that y'all should remember. Were the only one's of our kind. Her blood can make hybrids and my blood can make witches and vampires. Were different. People don't like us."

"I didn't say that there was something bad about you two and has nothing to do with you being different there's just something familiar and its bugging me." Elena said.

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