Chapter 18

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Elena was 7 months pregnant and this time they were still together. And nothing was going to change that. No one woukd tell either girl how there mother went into birth. But they both still wanted to keep there birthdays. It was the day that Elena would have Hannah. They also would not see themselves be born it would be to weird. They hadn't been back at the Mikaelson mansion
since they now knew that they had been revealed.

Elena was in the Mikaelson mansion in what would be her daughters nursery. Kol got her to move with a promise that after the baby was born they would look for a house for them. She loved the lakehouse but she didn't want to be so far from the city. Her and  Rebekah were putting the finishing touches on the nursery. Rebekah had told her that the girl that had been posing as Freya was her daughter Hannah. She had knew something was up and now she knew.

"Oww." Elena cried out cluthing her stomach."Something's wrong. Bekah."

"I'll be right back." Rebekah flashed away and came back with Meredith.

Meredith knelt by Elena."Where does it hurt."Elena showed her and she looked up at Rebekah."Its time for her to have this baby someone is doing something supernatural to her there trying to make her miscarry. We have to do this now."

Rebekah picked her up and carried her into the spare room. Meredith followed. Rebekah grabbed the medical bag out the closet when she grabbed the towels."I used to be a doctor in a different decade."

She put the bag besides Meredith."Were going to do a C- Section for saftey."

Kol flashed in Elena was sitting on her bed holding Hannah."I missed it oh come on."

Elena looked at Kol."How did the search go did y'all find either of them." Elena asked. He sat next to her and shook his head. She carefully handed him Hannah."Hannah Miranda- Freya Mikaelson."

"She's beautiful."

Elena nodded tears started to cloud her vision."Someone tried to kill her. They wanted me to miscarry."

"But thankfully you didn't everything is going to be ok." He stood up and took Elena's hand."Come with me i have something to show you."

Elena nodded. They put Hannah in her carseat. He took her to a house that was not far from the city and not far from the mansion. He knocked on the door and Bonnie opened it."Come in/"

They headed in."Bonnie's really good at keeping secrets."

"You got a house." Elena asked.

"Yeah its our house." Kol said.

Elena took baby Hannah out her carseat and followed Kol who was motioning for her to follow him upstairs. He opened a door that had  a H on it. It was a nursery."Oh my god."

"I talked to my sister convinced her to make sure the one at the manor was more like she wanted it and the one you wanted be here."

She smiled she was so happy. And it was just like she wanted it.

"Thank you."

--  (A/N i had 2636 words then it went down to 536 does wattpad hate me or something cause i lost 2000 words. It got very emotional to type 20 i love you's But i still wanted to get it it out Valentines day so i rewrote it at 1230 A.M when i had it finished already i love my readers)
Hope and Hannah were standing at the border."We did it we fixed what needed to be fixed we can go home now"

"We can and everything is going to be fine. Cause there together now and nothing is going to change that. We won't go to New Orleans and this time there is no way that we are going to let them die not this time."

A Journey To Find Love- KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now