Chapter 13

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Elena was sitting in her lakehouse writing in her journal. She still couldn't believe that she was getting her chance at being a mother. Her phone started to ring. She answered it and put it to her ear."I'm fine." Kol and Klaus had something that they had needed to do.

"Good apparently we can't get passed the border" Kol said.

"That is bad." Elena said.

"Neither can Elijah Rebekah or Nik. Not even Caroline or Bonnie can cross the border." Kol  said.


"Yes your stuck Caroline you can't leave the city i doubt any of us can," Bonnie said.

"Well fine with me. It just means that were stuck in the city. And we can take control here." Rebekah said.

"Well good luck i have to go meet with Jeremy i haven't talked to him in a few days. Please becareful" Elena said.

Elena met her brother at the grill Hannah and Hope were sitting at the bar."So what do we do now." Hope asked.

"Well i say in a few days we find out how to tell them Hayley is pregnant. We try to watch them the best that we can. Remember that witches still don't want us alive. As soon as soon as my mom is six months we get Freya back. Early we hunt down for  the ingredients and we get rid of Dahlia." Hannah said.

"Looks like we have a plam" Hope said. "Lets get started."


Elena and Jeremy were walking in the square."So are you excited. You always wanted to be a mother."

"I am i'm so happy." Elena said.

"So how has he been taking it." Jeremy asked.

"He wasn't freaking out. When she had told us. I was totally freaking out. He was calm. I don't know how but he was." Elena smiled.

"Maybe he is freaking out but he wanted to be calm for you. Your told you can never have kids." The two keep walking until Jeremy started to scream.

"Jer Jer" Before Elena could reach him she was knocked out.


At the border Bonnie was acting like she was trying to get them out but she wasn't."It's a no go your all stuck in Mystic Falls."

"No No No" Caroline shouted. She couldn't believe that she was going to be stuck in this town,

"It can't be passed its not possible" Bonnie said

Kol's phone started to ring. He took it out."Hello."

"Someone just took Elena. I got a witch headache i looked up and she was gone," Jeremy said.

"Meet me at my house" Kol looked at everyone and flashed away,

"Should we go help" Rebekah asked. looking at the others.



Kol walked into the manor and Hannah and Hope were sitting on the couch going through spell books."What are you two doing."

They both looked up at him. Hannah mentally cursed."She's helping me find a spell. It's a protection charm for Elena whats wrong."

Jeremy walked in."My sister is missing,"

Both girls stood up."Get me a map."

Hope flashed away and came back with a map. Soon everyone else came in. Jeremy walked over and Hannah cut his wrist. 'Accidentally' slicing hers."Bonnie."

Bonnie walked over and joined hands with. Hannah."Channel her."

Hannah gave Hope a look and the three  joined hands. They acted as if they were channeling Hope. The three witches started the spell. The blood moved and they had there location.

Bonnie spoke next."Found her. She's at an old warehouse. I can to the protection charm here y'all go. You two go its a coven of witches if you  can take out a whole thing of vampires you good."

Bonnie started the spell while everyone except Rebekah left."I'll stay here."


They found the warehouse. Hannah wanted her mom safe. Especially now that she was pregnant with her,"So here is the plan. Y'all take out the witches he grabs her. Anyone that tries to stop her deals with me and my cousin sound good good lets go."

"Don't ask trust me there is no room for arguing." Hope said.

They all went in. There were people everywhere. They were all surronding Elena."We kill her then we save the world."


All the witches turned around."Thats impossible there here." The Mikaelsons thought they were refering to how they were found. But Hannah and Hope knew better they were talking about how they were in the past.

The originals Caroline and Jeremy started to fight witches. Hanna and Hope joined hands and started to chant lightly. Freezing all the witches for a moment."Get her out of here."

Kol grabbed Elena and Flashed out. "Your up." Hannah smirked.

"Great." Hope flashed to the head witch and held her against the wall."Who sent you."

"Y'all can leave now we got unfinished business" Hannah said. Everyone left leaving Hannah and Hope with the witches."Answer the question."

"Can't tell you sweetheart."

Hannah flashed to her."You got ten seconds before i show you how like my parents i can really be."


"She sent y'all." Hannah asked.

"She knows what your doing that your trying to mess up her happily ever after and she won't stand for it."

"Well she's going to have to." Hope ripped out the heart from the witch. She waved her hand and all the others neck snapped."Next time y'all should best remember that we are Mikaelsons"

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