Chapter 11

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Everyone was at the grill they were all doing different things. Jeremy had finished his training and was not all about kill vampires thanks to Kol's help. Bonnie had gotten deeper into expression.

Rebekah and Matt were playing Kol and Elena in pool. Caroline was talking with Klaus about his paintings. They weren't together but Bonnie had told her to stay with Tyler up to a point. Before going with Klaus. Stefan and Damon were talking with Elijah. Bonnie was watching them play pool. Jeremy and Alaric were drinking and watching everyone else.

Hope and Hannah were watching everyone else."Now this is what we came here for." Hannah said.

"Yeah they all look so happy and like there real friends" Hope said.

The door to the grill opened a girl walked in."I know her" Hannah whispered.

"What" Hope asked.

"She's from the future one of the girls that wanted my dad but he choose Davina even thought he really wanted my mom. She was a heretic oh shit" Hannah snapped her fingers and everyone froze but the supernatural.

"What the hell" Caroline shouted.

Hope vamped to the girl and pinned her against the wall."What do you want."

"Hi see you came back."

Hannah went to Bonnie."Who is she pinning against the wall." Bonnie said.

"Get Elena out of here." Hannah said."And Caroline."

Kol grabbed Elena and Vamped out and Klaus vamped out with Caroline.

Hope threw the girl to the ground."I thought we told you to stay away from them." Hope growled. Her eyes growing blue.

"Well then i talked to Davina and got the best idea come find you two and kill them make my life a lot easier i don't like being a vampire but your little blond bitch turned me. And well she stole everything i ever wanted does she know yet or are you just not gonna tell her Hannah,"

Hannah vamped to her and pinned her to the wall her eyes glowing a bright purple."Don't tempt me you little bitch. I will kill you right here. Right now try me."

"Your just like him but his threats didn't work either"

"Mom" Hope whispered.

Moments later Hayley was vamped in with Tyler. She went over to Hannah."I got this."

Hannah and Hope joined hands they chanted a spell and eveyrone's eyes except Jeremy Rebekah and Bonnie's eyes glossed over.

Hayley bit the girl on the arm and snapped her neck."Get out of here now."

"What the hell is going on" Jeremy said.

"He's a hunter the spell didn't work" Hope whispered.


Jeremy Rebekah Bonnie Hope and Hannah were at the lake house.

"What was that who was she she called you Hannah" Jeremy said.

"Becaue i am Hannah Mirandia Freya Mikaelson" Hannah said.

"I'm Hope Andrea Rebekah Mikaelson" Hope said.

"What" Jeremy said.

"Your sister is pregnant she doesn't know yet" Rebekah siad.

"My mom is Hayley Marshall she's not yet but will be soon" Hope said.

"What vampires can't have kids" Jeremy said.

"We don't know how but they were living proof. He's great for her but an argument and that sire bond tore them apart." Hannah said.

"He better not hurt her" Jeremy scolded.

"My dad made My uncle think something and doubt her he was going to go after her but that stupid sire bond ruined it for everyone we changed things and they'll get back together like they are supposed to." Hope said.

"Ok"Jeremy said.

"We know its a lot and i wish that we didn't have to bring you into this but then you would have a hundred more questions that we don't have time to answer. Who knows when she'll find out that she's pregnant."

Hayley walked in."This is a really dangerous game we are playing,"

"I know mom but she was trying to kill them. Its better that we got to her first." Hope siad.

"Wait Hayley knows" Jeremy asked.

"No so Bonnie and my mom did a spell so that everyone would come back to there original body's for only two hours only the Mikaelson family. We each got to choose a parent to remember. I lost my dad to soon and my mom told me to choose him." Hannah said. She had tears coming down her face.

"I lost my mom to soon. And i choose her. They can remember when we want them to remember, We have to fix this our lives suck" Hope said.

"What happened" Jeremy asked.

"My mom was sire bonded and because she was. When her and my dad got into an argument she left she was going to come back to him, But then she ran into Damon. And he ruined everything. They never got back together. They stayed apart, Married different people. He and my uncles died protecting me and Hope my mom broke i broke i can't do it." Hannah was in full blown tears. Hayley went over to her and hugged her tight.

"I did something and my mom died in a fire that i could have prevented." Hope said."We can't live in New Orleans everything goes bad there."

Hayley let go of Hannah. And stood inbetween the two girls."There plan is to trap us all here in Mystic Falls."

"Fine i want in" Jeremy said.

"Really" Bonnie asked.

"Ok we need all the help we can get" Rebekah said.

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