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Coal Creek, it was a bit boring, nothing special about it honestly

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Coal Creek, it was a bit boring, nothing special about it honestly. Everytime she woke it she still thought she was in Tennessee until she looked around and came back to reality. The house was nice, not too big, not to small, just right for the three of them, although I did feel a little more lonely. All she wanted was company, a rat at this point would please her, maybe do her mood some good.

Today was a Friday, so the last day of her first week of school. She absolutely hated it. Who knew the kids in Coal Creek would be such assholes, especially the boys. The boys seemed to have there fair share of ladies they picked on, and ladies they admired. Unfortunately for Lilly she was one of the many they picked on, for a reason still unknown to her. Constantly calling her names in the halls and shoving her against the lockers, she hoped they would leave her alone later on in the future.

Her dad told her to pray on it, she didn't see how that would help. What good does that to to anyone? Being the preachers daughter some would expect her to follow in her father footsteps, but she had been becoming further and further anyway from god. She didn't really mind much, but her father had a problem with it. He could tell his beloved Lilly was drifting away from their lord and savior, he couldn't have that. He couldn't allow that to happen.

Lilly hadn't made much friends which really disappointed her, she loved meeting new people and talking, and boy did she talk a lot. Looks like the high school bullies already ruined her clean reputation. They had the whole school thinking she was a whore who slept around with no good men. That was far from true. Even if she were, that wouldn't happen under her fathers watch.

Hopefully on Sunday when the town gathered at church he would make new friends, they were having a small gathering with food. It was a gift, welcoming her father as the new preacher of their church. There was going to be a whole lot of food, and she was guessing a very long speech from her dad about how he found God all those years ago. Lilly only hoped he wouldn't put her on the spot and make her say anything.

Carrying her books in her hand, Lilly walked around outside the school to pass time. School had just ended and the sky was still bright, although it was nothing like Tennessee. She missed that place a whole lot, it's where she grew up, where her momma raised her in that house all those years ago. Lilly smiles to herself at the thought of those memories until something caught her attention.

Not something—someone. Of course, her bullies who were apparently hurting someone else. Why was she not surprised. "Get down there." A boy said as he pushed the girl to the ground, slightly scratching her knees up from the old dirt that rested on the floor. One of the boys put a hand on her head, her position looked as if she was praying. The girls beautiful blue-ish green eyes looked up into the heavens begging for this to end.

"You're so damn ugly, I'd need to put a sack over your head just to get a hard on." He teases. Lilly watched on in frear, peeking out from the corner of the wall. A million thoughts running around in her head. Should go get a teacher? Or stop this herself? God knows what they would do if she left her all alone.

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