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What do you want for Christmas?

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What do you want for Christmas?

Idk I just want money🙈✨

Downstairs Mildred could hear everything, by everything she meant Lilly's crying and occasional screams to her so called God for being so unfair. For a small second she got scared thinking that Preston was hitting her, but Lilly just had been kicking and hitting the floor. She knew she had to be quick, Preston would get very suspicious if he found out she was locked in Lilly's room. She didn't abandon Lilly, if Mildred wasn't much help then she knew who could be. But she just didn't know how to get a hold of him, she didn't know his house number. She was checking through every drawer and shelf for a paper or a notebook that had what she was looking for, it seemed like it would be a pain to find in such a big room with a bunch of things filling it. None of them was what she was looking for.

Feeling very dumb, Mildred looked to the most obvious place ever, her nightstand where her older telephone rested on. Opening the very tiny drawer she found a folded up piece of paper. It's not like she knew Arvin's house number by heart, so she always kept it near by to help her remember some digits she had always forgotten. Mildred took it in her hands and unfolded it, her face coming to a smile seeing that it was in fact a number. It could've been anyone's number really but there was a very slim chance that it wasn't Arvins. She took the phone off the receiver looking between the paper and the number pad in front of her. Her finger worked quick until it was all filled out. "Please pick up, please pick up." Mildred begged in a small whisper.

"Arvin when is Lilly coming over?" Emma asked from the kitchen still preparing the dinner with the help of Lenora. Arvin had been helping out too, but he decided to take a small break sitting on the couch with his uncle. "Later today, like in a couple of hours or so." He answered trying to remember if that's what his girlfriend had told him over the phone, he couldn't quite remember. He wished she could be here already, Arvin missed her like crazy. Talking to her once every few days on the phone during his breaks at work wasn't really something he wanted to continue doing for much longer. He did enjoy talking to her though, it was fun but he couldn't wrapped his arm around her or hold her hand. Today he would get to see her, and it was a holiday.

Hearing the phone ring made Emma sigh, her hands were dirty and filled with condiments of food from all the cooking. "I'll get it grandma." Arvin told her quickly getting off the couch, in a matter of seconds the ringing stopped when he picked the phone off the wall and put it to his ear. "Hello?" The boy answered wondering who in the world could be calling their house on thanksgiving. "Arvin? It's Mrs. Teagardin." He heard the lady speak on the other line, her voice sounded a bit frantic and in a whisper. He was very shocked to hear from her but he had a feeling it was about Lilly not being able to come over. "Oh, hi Mrs Teagardin..." the boy said slowly leaning on the wall and looked around the living room. It's not that he was nervous, but he was talking to his girlfriends 'mother' so part of him wanted to set a good impression. "...why isn't Lilly calling?"

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