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"Look! You two look so cute!" Lenora said as she looked down at something in her hand, it was one of the pictures her grandmother took that day Lilly and Arvin went out on their first date

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"Look! You two look so cute!" Lenora said as she looked down at something in her hand, it was one of the pictures her grandmother took that day Lilly and Arvin went out on their first date. Lilly had never gotten to see them, she forgot about them. Lenora knew she would want to see one, maybe Lenora was more excited than her. If you'd ask anyone, his sister was probably their most proud supporter of the relationship. Lenora had hoped to find a boy that would love her like he did Lilly.

"Oh cool you finally got them, where are the rest?" She asked with a smile, she knew for a fact there was probably more than six. "Oh grandma only let me take one to show you. This ones my favorite." Lenora informed, passing her the picture. Lilly looked down at it and smiled. "We do look cute." The girl admitted, how could she not. She really thought they were the cutest.

As soon as Arvin walked up to them she practically smothered him with the picture "look you look so adorable." She told him with a smile, the compliment catching him off guard a bit. Still he took the photo and looked at it. It was a good picture he wasn't gonna lie. He thought she looked perfect "see I told you it wasn't a bad idea to take those pictures." She scolded as she fixed a button on his shirt.

"Are you guys just gonna stare at each other all day or are you gonna get to class?" Lenora asked as she grabbed her books from her locker. "I'll catch up with you." Lilly told her friend with a reassuring smile, she always wanted to talk to Arvin before she got to class. He made her school day a little better. "Okay, see you at lunch Arvin." His sister said as she headed the other direction.

"Do you like the picture?" She asked with a smile "yeah, I already looked at them though. I hung one of them up." He said with a shy tone to his voice, "no you didn't." Her arm giving him a playful push resulting in him to grab in and take her hand in his. "I did, why would I be lying to you?" Arvin questioned as he tilted his head, a strand of hair falling to his face.

Lilly shrugged her shoulders "I don't know, maybe to try and act all cute." To this Arvin chuckled, rolling his eyes in the process. "I'm telling you the truth. I mean you can come and see for yourself if you want...." Arvin suggested, his body leaned against the lockers with a smirk. "When?" Lilly asked with curiosity "Tonight, of course I would have to sneak you in." He reminded her, he didn't really have any plans he just wanted to enjoy her company. "Okay."

Then the two went their separate ways not before Lilly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. They always had the bad habit of making each other late. Sometimes it wasn't even Arvin, Lilly would do this too, they had to been told multiple times to quit chatting and get to class. "Mr. Russell, glad to see you decided to join us." The teacher said with a smile. Arvin remind quiet and took his seat where his friends were.

"Late again." One of them joked "shut up I had stuff to do." Arvin dismissed them, they always liked to tease. "Are you coming with us tonight? we're just going on a drive." His friend asked knowing they hadn't hung out in a while, "no not tonight." Arvin always had some type of excuse. "Why not?" He asked giving his a friendly push. "Because I already have plans." The 18 year old informed with a small laugh. "Plans, plans, plans. All you ever have is plans. Tell me what kind of plans?"

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