Chapter 9

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We will escape. We have to. Foliage had never been so determined about anything in his entire life. He looked Daybreak in the eye, and in that moment, they both knew exactly what to do.

Daybreak picked up a rock off of the ground and threw it at Midnight, distracting her for a moment. It gave Foliage time to dive behind a large boulder, and it gave Daybreak time to change her appearance. When Midnight opened her eyes, Daybreak looked exactly like Foliage. Enraged, Midnight lunged at Daybreak, giving Foliage enough time to dive out from behind the boulder and pounce onto Midnight. Without thinking, he pierced his claws through Midnight's neck. Midnight shrieked and collapsed onto the ground.

Foliage froze, trembling. He had never killed another dragon before, and the thought of causing that much pain to anyone, even a dragon as evil as Midnight, made him feel like he was the worst dragon on the entire continent.

He didn't have time to think about it, though, because Paradise grabbed him by the shoulder and frantically dragged him out of the cave. Daybreak followed, shifting her appearance back into a RainbowWing's. The DarkWings below tried to stop them by shooting bolts of purple electricity at them, but Foliage, Daybreak, and Paradise managed to dodge them. 

Finally, they left the cave and flew as far away from the Stone Wall as they could, stopping to rest on a cliff overlooking the Great Grassland.

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