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WARNING:slight mentions of sexism, translations at the end


It wasn't the brightest idea..

...But it wasn't the dumbest.

Basically...they had to convince Luz's mom before summer actually began..which was in less than a week.

"Mama, I'm telling you! It would be really good for me to go back!" Luz smiled. Camila smiled, "Mija, you have no reason! You are doing well in school and not causing trouble anymore. Isn't that right, Rogelio?" The woman turned to a bearded man, sitting in the kitchen chair. "Hmm, you never know Camilia." He looked at the latina in front of him. Luz gave him a look and then continued, "Okay but what if..I go as a counselor in training?" Luz beamed up.

Camila sighed, "Luz-"

"Okay yea I know I'm not really the type to go for something that involves interaction but Justin is part of that internship! Plus, it could really help me be more productive!" Luz said.

"I can't be trapped writing fanfics all day!" She added.

Camila sat down, "I'm...not opposed." Luz beamed, "Soo..I can go?" Camila nodded, "Summer break starts in less than a week, so it's best if you get your things together before hand." Luz jumped up and gave her mom a hug, "Oui gracias mama! Te prometo que seré buena!"

Camila giggled, "I know you will..Now come along, there's still so much to do." Camilia began to walk out the room. Leaving the two.

"Your mother told me about that girl you are so fond of..." Rogelio trailed off.

"Okay?" Luz said as she leaned on the counter. "This whole internship isn't just to interact with...others, isn't it?" Rogelio said smugged.

Luz glared at the man, "Huh, that's funny..last time I checked it's not polite to meddle with other people's business." 

"You know, " The man started. "All thisss witches and girl talk isn't for someone like you. You need to get a heads up about the real world. To learn how to be a real woman and get yourself a boyfriend.." Rogelio said.

"Aye, Luz. When are you ever going to learn how to be just ordinary?" Rogelio stood up and put his cup in the sink.

"...I am ordinary." Luz crossed her arms.

"You know what I mean. Your mother would be very disappointed in you if you didn't choose the right choice."

Luz looked at him..a bit offended if she was honest. She then felt smugged and propped on the counter, "..No te necesitan en algún lugar?"

Rogelio looked at the girl and walked away. Once he left, Luz let out a breathe..Trying not to be bothered by the man's words..She could tell her mom all the things he's said to her..but her mom is too blinded by 'love'.

Luz needed to get out of here..


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