Battle Of The Blights (part 1)

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*WARNING: PG 13 Language, slight mention of violence*

"Freeze, human."

Luz turned around and glared, "Kikimora..Funny seeing you." Kikimora crossed her arms as two guards were behind her. "Is it now? I assumed you would be familiar with me being here..considering I work for the Emperor."

Luz stood up cautiously with the staff in her hand, keeping an eye on the three in front of her. "Cut the crap, now...where is she?" Kikimora stared at her nails, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Luz, with the adrenaline rushing through her system, summoned a fire spell with her hands as she knocked the guards down. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

As Luz approached closer to Kikimora, Kikimora looked a bit surprised by what just happened and started to summon a spell. Before she even had the chance, Luz ended up summoning a plant spell with her hands, vines grabbing onto Kikimora and trapping her to the wall.

Luz came closer and kneeled in front of Kikimora, who seemed to be in a panic, as she held the staff below her chin.

"Now..Where is she."


As soon as Eda, Lilith, and King landed on the ground, they began to look for Luz.

"Ugh, that kid and her determination for everything. At this rate I don't think we'll be able to find her." Eda said, looking around the crowded people who were in front of the Emperor's Palace.

"Now, Edaline. We mustn't give up, we have to find Luz and stop her but also find Amity as well." Lilith said as she looked around too. "Oo! I found plant girl and the boy! Maybe they can help us!" King beamed as he saw Willow, Gus, and apparently Boscha as well.

King went up to them, "Hey! We don't have time to explain, but Luz AND Amity are in serious danger! You have to help us." The three looked at him in surprised.

"Oh no..This is exactly what we thought this was.." Willow said.

Eda and Lilith overheard and approached them. "What? What's going on?" Eda asked. "This isn't like that time they tried turning you into a statue, this is way worse." Gus butted in.

"Well, what is it?" Eda asked. "I think...I think this is an execution." Willow said. They all looked at each other in shock a bit. "But this isn't just about Amity.." Willow added. "This is about the human too." Lilith said. "Wait, what does this mean?" King asked. Eda thought about it and became a bit shocked.

"...This was a trap for Luz..They've been waiting for her."


"T-This is the stop..Please let me go."

Luz released Kikimora from her abomination grip spell as they made it all the way up into the 'cellar' where Amity was. "Now, tell me where she is." Luz demanded.

"..Perhaps, I should help you instead."

Luz looked around into the dark corners of the room as she held the staff. She summoned a light spell and turned to where the voice was. "Show yourself."

The person came from hiding and Luz gasped a bit. "It's so..refreshing to see you once again, human."

Luz glared, "It's you."

The person chuckled, "Oh come on now, surely you know it isn't polite to greet the Emperor in a disrespectful manner."
Luz stood up straight and glared, "Enough of this, where is Amity?"

The Emperor sighed dramatically as he sat on his throne, "Oh Luz, we haven't even had the chance to..have a little chat."

With that being said, Two buff guards came from behind Luz and put her hands behind her back. Luz looked panic a bit and then glared at the Emperor, "What do you want." Her voice so cold.

"Ahh, I waited for your arrival since the minute I heard you left. You know exactly what I want and I know exactly what you want. So, how about we make a deal?" The Emperor said as he dusted off the arm of the chair. "..Unless, you want a certain someone paying the price."

Luz's anger rose as she tried getting out of the guards grips, "IF YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL-"

"Woah woah, settle down now. I won't hurt her..unless you give me what I want." The Emperor raised a hand. Luz looked a bit confused but then realized what he meant. Luz's blood ran cold,

"Over my dead body."

The Emperor hummed, "Very well..Now, if you would like to see your beloved one."
He signaled Kikimora. Kikimora stood up and pushed a remote button she had in her pocket, causing a covered cage like to lower from the ceiling. Once it came down, Kikimora went to it and took off the cover.

Luz's eyes widen, "AMITY!"
She fought with the guards a bit but still couldn't get away. Amity, who was still a bit dizzy, looked up and her eyes widened, "L-Luz?"

The Emperor stood up and went to the cage, "Now, what will it be Luz?..The key? Or the girl?" With that being said, The Emperor touched the cage, causing it to spark. Amity yelped in pain as she got shocked.

"NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Luz yelled as she tried fighting again, her anger getting stronger. "You have a choice. Give me the key or have her suffer." The Emperor said calmly. Luz looked at him.

"I rather have you kill me."

The Emperor hummed, "If that's what it will take to give me the key, then so be it." Amity regained a bit of her strength and looked in panic, "NO LUZ!" Luz gave Amity a weak smile, a 'I'll be okay' smile.

The Emperor got closer and kneeled down in front of the latina, "So this is the it?" Luz's glare suddenly turned into a smirk, "Is it?"

She turned to where the staff is, "Owlbert! Now!" The staff swiftly came and hit the guards hard in the head, releasing Luz who casted a spell to throw the Emperor down.

Just like that, Luz summoned Owlbert to her hand. Once she took ahold of the staff, she went closer to the Emperor and kneeled down. "So is it really the end? Or did you forget what I learned being here?" Luz hummed.

The Emperor tried regaining his strength but remained on the floor. "Do you really think you can defeat me? Afterall, you really think I would want some useless rich witch?" Luz looked at him confused and then at Amity.



Until next time🧝‍♀️

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