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*WARNING: Flashbacks in italics/ Things aren't as accurate as in the show*


tbh,,, get ready for the plot twists of ur life 0.0

"Ooo a sleepover! We haven't had those in, well, forever!" Luz beamed up.

Amity, however, was a gay mess.

"You two can take Luz's old room." Eda said as she ruffled Luz's hair and took off her beanie. "Oh boy, can we cut this? Because I am never going to get used to this." "Oo! Oo! I got it!" King said as he ran to get some really large pair of scissors.

"Oh, put those down before you hurt yourself." Lilith said, stiring her cup of tea. Amity looked at Lilith, "U-Um surely there must be another way! Uhh, my parents w-would be upset i-if I wasn't home ah-" Lilith brushed a hand off, "Not to worry, Amity. I'll just let your mother know your with me." Amity felt her face flush, "B-But-"

"Alright, off to your room to get comfy. Chop Chop!" Eda cut her off as she pushed the two up the stairs. "C'mon Ami, I'll show you the way!" Luz said as she put her beanie back on and grabbed Amity's hand. Amity looked at their hands and turned even more red.

'Oh my god she's touching my hand, she's HOLDING my hand...oH MY GOD SHE'S HOLDING MY-'

As soon as they made it up the stairs and got to the room, Luz smiled a bit. The room never changed..It stayed exactly the same way it was before she left. However, there was a problem...

...There was one bed.

"Um, I could sleep by the window and you can take the bed?" Luz made it sound like a question. Amity got out of the trance she was in and shook her head, "W-What? No! You're back and you shouldn't start off by the sleeping on the floor."

"Never said I was sleeping on the floor."

"But you implied it."

Luz took off her beanie and ran her fingers through her hair, "Sooo, what do you suggest we do? We won't let the other sleep on the floor." Amity felt a bit nervous as she played with her fingers, "W-We...We could share the bed?"

Luz looked at her and smiled softly, "A-Are you sure? I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable since-" Amity stopped her, "Luz please..It's fine. I'll go ask Lilith for clothes, I'll be right back."

As soon as Amity left the room, Luz took out her sleeping clothes and put them on. A little less than a few minutes later, Amity came and knocked on the door.

"I'm decent!" Luz said from the other side of the door. Amity gently opened the door to reveal Luz in her pjs.

Okay yea...Amity was not gonna survive the night-

"Wow Amity, those clothes fit you perfectly! I didn't know you and Lilith were the same size." Luz observed. Amity blushed a bit as she played with the edge of the sleeping shirt,

" these are..mine."

Luz blinked, "Oh. You sleep here?" Amity sat on the 'bed' and played with her fingers, "Um, once in a while..O-Only when I need to."

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