Coming Home

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and sooo the madness begins


Here I go.

Luz took a deep breath as she stepped in front of the magic door. She looked back, "Are you sure you don't wanna come? Could be fun." Justin shook his head, "Nope, this is your journey.. You do you boo."

Luz smiled, "Thank you for helping me." Justin nodded, "B.T.W, don't come back single. I'm getting tired of seeing you write about fan fiction rather than getting a date." He joked. Luz laughed a bit, "Well see."

Luz looked straight ahead and never looked back once she took a step inside the realm.


Luz looked in front of her and 'awed'. The place didn't look so different than before. It was the same exact place she said her goodbyes. She reached for her pocket and held the bracelet.


She, then, heard footsteps and panicked. 'Gah! Gotta find somewhere to- AH HA!' She then jumped inside a bush as the door turned back into a suit case. She then heard humming..but whos it from?

She looked over the bush and hair? She was then distracted by her wrist that ended up being in more pain.


She looked over to see the person look at their own wrist. That's when it clicked..It couldn't be..

That's when the person turned to the side, giving Luz a better angle.

It was her.

Luz couldn't help but awe at the sight of Amity Blight. She seemed a bit different than before..Her hair was longer, her roots were starting to grow..And she just seemed more beautiful than before.

Not that Luz was saying she WASN'T beautiful before..but she looked like a goddess. Luz tried to get a more better look at what she was doing here. She saw a mini picnic set up..Was she meeting someone?

"Abomination, sit." She heard Amity say. The Abomination did as it was told. Amity offered it a cup of tea with a smile...Luz couldn't remember how long it was when she saw that beautiful smile light up. Amity sighed, "...It's been three years...I just wish there was a way you could come back.."

Who was she talking about? Was she talking about her?

As Luz tried getting closer, she stepped on a twig that snapped. Amity whipped her head in a panic, "Who's there?!" Amity stood up, causing the Abomination to stand up, ready to attack. "Come out! Whoever you are!" Amity yelled.

Luz made no sound. "..Alright, then." Amity said. As soon as Amity began to make a spell, Luz panicked. "W-Wait!"

Luz stepped out from hiding and waved her arms, "It's me!" Amity stopped as she stood there frozen. No....there's no way.


Luz seemed more different than before..her hair grew a bit to her shoulders..she wore a beanie..And seemed more taller.

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