It's the way i'm feeding y'all to the MAX at this moment,, LUMITY STANS COME GET YALL JUICE! (yes, this song goes w a specific part)
"Finally! Phew, now. Time for a little festival shimmy shimmy!"
Gus excited said as the three girls giggled at his excitement. "I think it's gonna be really fun! There's so many games, rides, and music!" Willow smiled. "Woah, there's music here?" Luz beamed up. "Well, it took a long time to bring it here, but yes, there's music." Amity answered.
"I never thought THE Boiling Isles would have music!" Luz said. "Okay...You clearly forgot about Grom." Gus facepalmed. Luz smiled sheepishly, "Oops, hehe.."
"Gus, we meant 'human' music, not ours." Amity said.
"Ohhh, we don't talk about that argument." Gus said.
As they walked into a unrecognizable place, Luz 'awed' at the sight. It was exactly what they had said. There was games, rides, Or 'human' music, as Amity liked to call it.
"Woahh, WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO PLAY THAT GAME!" Gus awed. "I am WAY AHEAD OF YOU BUDDY!" Luz beamed as the two ran to the first game.
As soon as the two went, Willow approached Amity. Before Willow could open her mouth, Amity raised a finger to silence her. "No. I can't.." She ended up hugging herself as Willow softly smiled, "You never know unless you try."
Amity scoffed, "Oh yea? Look where that got me last time...She was nearly gone before I even had a chance." Willow put a comforting hand on the witch's shoulder.
"I wanna help you Amity..I see the way you look at Luz and I see the way she looks at you! There's still love there..Even if you two cant see it yet." Willow smiled. Amity looked at her and gave her a worried look, "But...My parents-"
"Are not here. Just, let everything run it's course and when the moment is right, go for it." Willow said. Amity looked at her and smiled, "Thanks Willow...Maybeee a certain someone is lucky to have you."
"Ugh no, please don't mention her right now." Willow said. Amity laughed a bit, "Come on, I think they're waiting for us."
"This place is so FUN! Do you guys usually come here?" Luz asked as she held a 'Not Dog'. "Only when it's in town." Willow smiled. The four had been here for hours and walked around to see what else it there.
That's when Willow had an idea, "Hey Gus, I think I left my wallet in the bathroom. Can you come with me to get it?" Gus looked at her, "Why can't we al-" "Please? It's quick!" Willow cut him off as she gestured at the two.
Gus, not getting the hint, gave in, "Okay? Let's go." Willow looked at the two girls, "Sorry guys, it'll be quick." She, then, grabbed Gus's hand and they left, leaving the two girls behind.
Amity turned to Luz, "So, um..Now what?" Luz hummed a bit as she looked around. She then beamed up, "Let's go play that one!" She pointed at a 'knock the bottle' booth. Amity looked at her, "Okay."

I Promise I Won't Let Go * COMPLETE*
FanfictionWhen you get to attach to something you love, there's no way you'd want to leave it behind. For Luz, going back to the human realm was the hardest thing to do. She never once got to experience passion, happiness, or love what she always wanted to...