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Nikki's POV, March 1987

Today I had been left alone with River because Tommy was out, he was out with some chick from the TV by the name of Heather Locklear, she was blonde, slim, pretty- obviously she wasn't my type in any way, but she was attractive I'll give her that and that made me very insecure. Sure, she wasn't Tommy's type either but I couldn't help but feel like she's stealing him from me.

Heroin and jealousy aren't a good mix because the drugs have been amplifying the jealousy to an insane level.

We met her and Tommy became her friend pretty quick, admittedly she was in a pretty bad place- Heather had been in a pretty shitty relationship and needed someone there for her.... and out of everyone she had to choose my fucking fiancé. They'd been going out for a meal once a week for about a month now- I had a slight suspicion she fancied him but maybe that was just my overactive imagination.

I had been acting different around him because of this and Tommy noticed, he'd consistently asked me what was wrong with me but I never answered I just snapped at him or shrugged him off. I hurt him that much I know but he was hurting me too so I didn't really give a shit.

Heather was nice and all but we didn't really get along that well, but we tolerated each other for Tommy's sake. Tom and her had been plastered on the front page of a magazine I saw this morning with the caption 'Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear- is there something more to their friendship than meets the eye'

It pissed me off because it fed the part of my brain which was making me feel so fucking depressed, reading shit like that hurt because it's making Tommy and I's relationship out to be some kinda phase... yes, okay, I know they weren't going to promote gay relationships but they fucking should, because I love Tommy.

What's the difference between a man fucking a woman and a man fucking another man?

There isn't one.

Also, to put the cherry on top of everything going on at the moment my bitch of a mother has been calling every other fucking day for months... it was actually driving me crazy.

She left messages and I listened to them until I got so pissed off that I wanted to shoot up just to fucking forget she's even my parent, Deana rang earlier and left a about 5 messages the last one was my favourite though "Pick up the damn phone, I've been trying to contact you for months, listen to me, Frankie I thought you were going ring me to tell me I was a grandmother but you didn't, why not? I had to find out from magazines and that interview you did with that boyfriend of yours, then I had to find out one morning you'd given birth from the news. Do you know how selfish that is? Why didn't you tell me?! I want to meet her, please let me meet her.. I have a right to my granddaughter! You-"

I growled and slammed my hand onto the answer machine not wanting to hear her bullshit. She never cared, she actually didn't except the fact I was gay until I became famous, she had too accept me because I was making money and it was the only way she could get any of it... or try to anyway... she never supported me when I found out about my condition she just ignored it, she never brought me a therapist to help me deal with it, I had to deal with it alone like with everything else in my life.... so how dare she call me, and there we go, I had finally had worked myself up enough to get my next hit.

My life was just getting better and better, everyday I was falling further and further into the grasp on heroin, the longer I was falling the less I wanted to stop.

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