•𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴•

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Tommy's POV

After walking out and abandoning Nikki I got into the car with River, driving to Mick's- I didn't care about the fact I walked out on Nikki with no belongings because I can go out and buy some or come back for some on my own tomorrow- right now I just needed somewhere where River would be safe because right now that isn't with Nikki.

It was destroying me having to walk out on the man I love especially when he's got some serious issues but River was my main priority, she's what mattered, her safety came before all else. Hopefully this will give Nikki a kick up the ass and give him the motivation to get clean.

If he doesn't then as I mentioned before maybe we shouldn't be together anymore.

Fuck, I really did hate thinking that but if Sixx doesn't take his head out of the sand then what am I supposed to do? I can't live with him if he's high all the damned time like I have been the last few months- he's not Nikki. He isn't who I love, what actually happened to make him fall so far into this? Could I have stopped this? Why didn't I face the facts and confront him sooner?

By the time I got to Mick's house I was a crying mess, I bundled River into my arms and headed to the front door and knocked rapidly. My foot tapped on the floor in anticipation as I awaited Mick to answer the door.

Soon enough I heard footsteps approaching the door so I straightened myself up and wiped the tears from my face just as the door creaks open, Mick looked mildly annoyed at first for being disturbed but the second he sees me distressed with River his face goes into mild shock then straight into concern. "Drummer?"

"M-Mick, I-..." I began before breaking down all over again, Mick opens the door wider and takes River out of my arms stepping aside so I can enter his home.

"Tommy, what happened?" He asked me slow and firm, adjusting River in his grasp so he has a better hold of her.

"N-Nikki, man... I... I can't. He didn't tell me... he didn't-... he's so fucked up, I c-can't-... she's not safe there, R-River isn't safe... I didn't know where e-else to go, d-dude"

Mick's face fell when I mentioned Nikki but he nodded and sighed "Go and make yourself comfortable, kid. I'll make a cup of coffee, yeah?"

I nodded half heartedly feeling conflicted in my decision to just up and leave, I sit down on Mick's couch and take off my shoes focusing on the TV trying not to let my mind wander to Nikki. River gets placed next to me as Mick heads into the kitchen to make the drinks.

Although my heart was currently breaking I couldn't stop the smile which played at my lips as I watched River look around Mick's house curiously before she looked at me and held her hand out for me to take with a small smile on her face, I gave her one of my fingers to hold onto and she grasped it her smile only widening.

She definitely had Nikki's smile, that was for sure.

My daughter served as a good distraction while Mick was preoccupied in the kitchen, I spoke to her and played a mini game of peek-a-boo which made her laugh- cheering me up in the process.

A few minutes later Mick returned and he also had a small smile on his face as he was me interact with River as much as he tried to cover it, I saw it.

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