Song Draft: Here Without Summer by T13-DY3 (Y/N's Idol name)

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Verse 1:

It was late one Summer's eve

And you came knocking at my door

I didn't know then what I did now

Summer's lost for evermore

Because the eve that we met

Is one I could never shake

For a young man like you, sir

Is not one a lady like myself can forget

If I knew I'd be here without you now

I would've shut my eyes and wept

For here without summer am I here without you

Here without Summer I am


After that one meeting

All other Summers were put to shame

And never celebrated again

For not one Summer could bring back

The one that got away


Here Without Summer, I weep for our love

Here without Summer, I weep for what's gone

Come here, sit closer, and weep with me darling

For here without Summer, I am

Verse 2:

We laughed and we spent all our days on the water

And our nights we spent roaming the city

And nothing that summer could ever be hotter

Than my cheeks when you said "I looked pretty"

We went surfing and terrorized all of the locals

We drove our parents mad

We tried new things and forgot all our troubles

And for a moment

Life didn't seem half as bad

Three weeks later you were packing your bags

You said "It's time for me to chase my dreams"

Of course I could never try to hold you back,

but I've been holding myself back, it seems


After that one Summer

All others were put to shame

And never celebrated again

For not one Summer could ever bring back

The one that got chased away


Here Without Summer, I weep for our love

Here without Summer, I weep for what's gone

Come here, sit closer, and weep with me darling

For here without Summer, I am


If I could bring back that Summer and say something different

Maybe our fates would've changed

For now I work 2 jobs and my family is held by a broken frame

Because to anyone else who had never met us

With you gone, it's never been the same


Here Without Summer, I weep for our love

Here without Summer, I weep for what's gone

Come here, sit closer, and weep with me darling

For here without Summer, I am

Come here and sit close as I tell our tale darling

For here without Summer I am

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