Chapter 25: Watch What Happens

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Ugh, finally, I think to myself as me and the guys finish up practice for the day. I got a lot of bad feedback from my debut and so they pulled me off the solo artist list and put me in as the new, and better improved 9th member of Stray Kids. 

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I grabbed two pillows, my fluffiest blanket, and some snacks then quietly walked my way into Chan's studio

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I grabbed two pillows, my fluffiest blanket, and some snacks then quietly walked my way into Chan's studio. He was curled up in a black hoodie and sweats in the corner with tears in his eyes. I ran over to him, dropped everything, trapped him in a hug and pet his hair. 

"Hey, hey. What's wrong, baby?"

He sniffled and curled closer to me. "Some of them are so mean. They say such mean things and it-" he let out a low, pained sob. "It, really hurts, Y/N." 

You pulled him close, confused as to who he meant. "I'm so sorry they hurt you, Chris. I really wish there was something I could do to help." 

He looked up at you with tear-filled, broken eyes. "Actually, I think there is something. Would you mind talking to them for me?" 

You were about to open your VLIVE when he said, "No, no, not those mean people. I've learned to ignore them. It's someone here. In the agency."

You looked shocked. "Who was it Chan?"

He looked up at you. "Jaebeom and BamBam."

**(A/N: Shit's about to hit the motherfucking f a n)**

You immediately get him settled in with your blankets and snacks and promised him not to hurt them to much before running back into the main dorm. "Minho, Changbin, Lix. With me, now."

The four of you still in your practice clothes marched all the way to outside the GOT7 dorms. 

"Y/N? What are we doing here?" Minho asked. 

"Hush, Minho."


A concerned Jackson opened the door. "Is there something wrong?"

You sighed, frustrated. "Jaebeom and BamBam made Chan feel so bad that he is currently in the corner of his studio curled into a ball, crying his eyes out. Now let me in or I plow through you too."

Jackson rolled up his sleeves. "Hell, I'm gonna help you. They're both up in Jaebeom's room playing Among Us with some Ahgase. You four wait here," he pointed to the couch," and I'll drag them out here for you. Is there anything you want me to do after they're out here?"

"I want you to get Sana and Jamie in here first. Then go get them. Then you and the other boys go comfort Chan."

He saluted me and within 15 minutes was back with the baddest of the badass females at JYP Ent., Sana and Jamie Park. 

They walked in, greeted the guys, and stood next to me. "I approve of the fight squad," said Jamie. "You picked good people for this."

While we were talking Jackson had gone to go get the not in trouble members of GOT7 and shot a text message to the other SKZ members to meet him outside of his studio with random snacks, a computer, and some drinks. As soon as everyone exited, he dragged Jaebeom and BamBam down the stairs by their ears then took their phones and and shoved them towards the couch, since everyone was standing. "Your sorry asses better hope you aren't bruised by the end of this because we have a full day of rehearsals and workouts tomorrow." And with that, he left. 

The two guys stood up and almost immediately, Changbin and Minho stepped closer to me and the girls. "It's ok, boys. Stand down."

Jaebeom looks annoyed and gets in my face. "You wanna tell me what the hell this is all about, bitch? I don't have time for this." I didn't even comprehend the thought of what I did before I did it. I slapped him. It made him stagger back. I grabbed them both by their collars and held them up against the wall.

 "This, bitch ," I spat the word in Jaebeom's face," is about the fact that you made my boyfriend hole up in his studio for hours and cry his eyes out. This is about the fact that you said something to him that made him do that and you're gonna tell me exactly what the fuck it was and if you don't, my squad here" you gesture with your head back to Sana, Jaimie, Changbin, Minho and Felix," is going to make sure that the both of you lose your ability to reproduce."

BamBam tapped on your arm. "Okay, okay, we told him he was a sorry excuse of a leader and we called him some words-" You tightened your grip and dug your nails into his neck. "Okay okay we called him an over sensitive baby and a wuss and a bitch. I told him that maybe if he wasnt so soft people would actually take him seriously." You dropped Jaebeom and elbowed him and he ran back up to his room, then you slapped BamBam. "Kunpimook Bhuwakul, you sorry excuse of a friend, I dont want you near him do you understand. Not until you fully understand how mentally damaging that was for him."

"Mentally damaging?" He slapped you hard and pushed you to the ground. "Stupid whore, you're mentally damaged. No wonder they wouldn't let you have a solo career." I spat out a tooth and sat there, stunned and in pain as he walked up the stairs to his room without turning back. 

Minutes later, you're still on the floor of the GOT7 dorm with your people surrounding you trying to figure out how to stop your lip from bleeding when Jackson, Yugyeom, Mark, Jinyoung and Youngjae walk through the door.

Immediately they rush to you. Jackson and Mark looked the most pissed. You had a black eye and a massive, hand-sized bruise spreading across your face and bleeding from your upper lip near where the tooth was. 

"Which one of them did this?" Jackson asked. 


"And did he say anything?" 

Changbin spoke up, with barely hidden rage in his voice. "He called her a stupid whore, said she was mentally damaged and said that was why she wasn't given a solo career." 

As Felix gave you a piggy back to Chan's studio due to the pain in your ankle from stumbling back after getting pushed, you could hear the cursing Jaimie, Sana, Jackson, Yugyeom, Youngjae and Mark were giving JB and BamBam.

*Time Skip*

Felix lays you down next to a very concerned looking Bang Chan and takes the rest of the members except for the squad who went with you back to the dorms.

"What happened to you Y/N?"

"BamBam happened, Chris. Just hug me?"

He smiled softly. "Sure thing. Any spots I should worry about?"

"My ankles, my right cheek and eye, and my upper lip."

He carefully wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a hug under the covers.

You turned on Itaewon class on NETFLIX and soon fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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