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Mozart and Autumn we're back in his hospital room both of them eating jello the nurse brought. It felt so odd to have someone actually ask him about his day and have a sit down conversation.

Autumn learned so many things about Mozart in the amount of two weeks, she knows things that his own mother doesn't know and he tells her everything.


"You know, I never took you as the type to watch anime" I scraped out the jello cup and mushed the last bit and poured it out in my mouth.

"First that's nasty as fuck, and I only watch it occasionally." He shrugged and paused the show before shutting off his phone and stretching out on the bed.

I twisted my lips to the side and went to the small trash can and threw out cups away. "It taste better like that."

Walking back over to the chair I sat down and rest my elbows on the arm rests, and laid my head in my hand staring at him.

"Stop staring at me weirdo" he threw a small piece of paper that was ripped out of his book at my forehead.

I pouted and rubbed the spot "that actually hurt, what the fuck"

"Stop cussing" he threw another piece which landed in my lap. He went back to his book and nibbles on his bottom lip.

"What you always writing in that book Mozart?" I leaned over on his bed with my arms folded by his bed. His face was concentrated and his pen moved smoothly.

"Mind yours" he mumbled still not looking up from his sleek black book.

"Rude" I put my head on my arms and looked at the tv that was on the same news channel for the past week. Nothing was really different with us he just talks more.

There was a knock on the door and soon you could hear voices enter the the room. Mozart closed his book and slid it under his pillow.

Sitting up I turned and seen three dudes enter the room each of them with smiles on their faces and loud bickering, looking back at Mozart I seen him running his hands down his face.

"Wassup nigga, how you feeling today?" the one with ombré dreads asked and dapped Mozart.

"Same shit." He shrugged.

"Damn, when the fuck they gone let you out this bitch?" A light skinned dude with a cross earring asked. He sat on one of the chairs by the window then looked at me.

"Autumn?" I turned my head and seen my cousin Jboo.

Jacoby was my cousin on my dads side, really the only one I interact with. He's only sixteen almost seventeen so I'm surprised he's hanging around niggas that 19-22.

"What you doing here bruh?" He sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes before going to sit next to the guy with the cross earring.

"Just came to visit" I shrugged

He was about to say something but Mozart interrupted him "What y'all doing here?" He asked with a mug on his.

"Nigga we always come here to see your ass."

"Not really, y'all come then leave five minutes after." He said nonchalantly without looking at either of them.

"Because you start tripping and tell us to leave, so where the fuck you try a get at, MuMu?!" Jboo exclaimed jumping out his seat with his arms out

" nah," Mozart shook his head "I say y'all don't have to stay, so y'all choose to leave don't twist my words nigga"

"Fuck that" Jboo walked out the room with a pissed expression on his face while I slouched down in my seat trying to disappear from out the room without actually leaving, with all the tension.

The other two left not saying anything, then it was just me and Mozart.

it's a short story.

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