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𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙞 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙬

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𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙞 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙬

"I had some type of liking towards her in the beginning but closer to the end it just faded away." T'mae said solemnly.

"She not that bad," Mozart waved his hand "she just a little spoiled."

"What are y'all even talking about." I made a face as I chewed on my chain. It was a habit I picked up when I was younger.

"You know the book Coldest winter ever?" Autumn asked. I squinted my eyes trying to remember if I ever read it.

"Oh yea I did." I nodded. "I stopped reading it after the eleventh chapter, hate that damn book."

She nodded also "it's good in the beginning foreal, but I just hate how it ended."

She walked over to me and took my chain out my mouth "and stop doing that, it's not good for your chain or teeth."

"Whatever." I mumbled and slouched in my seat.

I sat back as I watched Mozart and autumn interact. Both has smiles on their faces. I'm happy Mozart found someone that's not us to talk to.

Of course we always told him he could talk to us about anything but never took it upon himself to do so. We know he's not well but don't know exactly what's wrong.

We think autumn knows but we won't ask her because we know Mozart wouldn't want her to tell us, that's just how he is.

From the first time I seen autumn I felt a strong connection towards her but didn't act on it because I seen how much she cared for Mozart for the past nine months.

Their connection grew and so did their heart. So, who was I to come between that. From then I told myself it was just a crush or maybe I was lusting over her. I don't know.

"Damn woo, what you over there thinking about?" MuMu asked.

I looked up from my lap, biting my lip as I shook my head. "Just thinking about sumn."

"You graduate in two weeks right, Kayseri?" Autumn questioned. I nodded pulling at the rips in my jeans.

"Yea, at twelve. I'm just happy to finally be don't with everything school, you know?"

They both nodded "Yea, sucks I'm graduating next May."

"Mozart ass was supposed to graduate with me but he ain't do not of that work I bring him." I smacked my lips.


"Mhm" I nodded

"Why Moo? Wow that's crazy and I know you could've got them done but you just didn't want to."

"Nope" he said with a blank face.

He was always trying to show he didn't care but as his friends we knew he did. He cared way more than we did and that's the scary part.

"I know zeik graduating with me- oh I seen your sister a couple weeks ago, I forgot to tell you. And I made a new friend." She smiled.

"What she tell you" he raised a brow.

Ever since he came in the hospital it's like he cut everybody off. Him and Eyemoni were close as fuck. He knew he couldn't do that with us because we'll be coming right back.

"Nothingg" she dragged "she just said how much you talk about me. Aw moo blushing," she cooed pinching his cheek.

"Stop" he deadpanned

"Whatever moo, you know you talk about me."

I felt a pang in my chest just hearing them talk to each other. Was it really possible to be jealous of the connection between your bestfriend and the girl you like?

"Sometimes I wish you knew" I said to myself as I threw my head back on the couch I'm siting in.

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