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𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚

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𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚

"How do you even know where my dorm is?" I asked Mozart. He laid back on my small yet big bed that was in the corner.

I put my baskets bag under my bed and went to lay beside him. "I'm worried about you moo."

"I keep telling you I'm good" he wrapped one of his tatted arm around me and pulled me closer.

"Stop" I whined "it's hot"

He brought his head up and turned facing me "so turn on the AC, the fuck that gotta do with me."

"Rude" I sat up and went to turn on the air conditioning.

I went back to lay with him and wrapped my arms around his neck with his head in mine.

His hand went under my big sweater to my unclothed ass and started rubbing it. He rubbed on my thighs and started kissing on my neck making me moan.

"Moo?" I questioned and he hummed in response. He brought his head up out my neck and kissed me.

I froze for a second and kissed him back. This gave him the opportunity to flip me on my back so now he was hovering over me.

He kissed around my neck making sure not to leave any hickeys. He grabbed the bottom of my sweater and lifted it up to my boobs were exposed.

Mozart took one of my nipple in his mouth and his hand kneading the other one in his hand. I softly moaned and bit my bottom lip.

"I wanna hear you" he said. I nodded as he kissed down my stomach to the rim of my lace underwear.

He popped his head back up and looked at me "you good?" He asked and all I could do was nod. "I need words baby"

"I'm good" I whispered but I knew he heard me.

His fingers hooked onto my panties and swiftly pulled them off. He then sucked on my thighs and kissed his way up to my clit.

He looked me in my eyes and kissed my second set of lips. "Why you teasing?" My voice was hoarse.

"Chill" he chuckled then licked between my slit making make moan.

"Shit" I hissed.

He grabbed my thighs and pushed my legs back so my knees were at my ears. Mozart began sucking on my clit making me throw my head back in pleasure.

He started slurping as my juice flowed out me "fuck" I dragged. His thump rubbed my clit while he still used his tongue.

He slipped his middle finger and ring finger inside me and I screamed liking the pleasure of both his fingers brought. "Mmm"

"You taste good" he grumbled while working his tongue and fucking me with his fingers.

He went faster and leaned up to my face and kissed me making me taste myself "you taste good baby?" It was like everything about him was hypnotizing me.

"Yesss!" I moaned out, breaking the kiss and threw my head back in my pillow. He went back down and replaced his fingered with his tongue. He looked at me and put bot those fingers inside my mouth.

"Suck" he said barely audible. I did and I moaned at the taste. I took his hand and pulled his fingers out my mouth as I still sucked. "I'm gonna cum baby"

"So cum" and I did as told. I came all over his tongue and he slurped and sucked my clit until I was shaking.

He chuckled and sat up looking at me "you good" I faked laughed and stuck up my middle finger.

When I looked at him is when I noticed he only had on his briefs. He kissed me and took them off then rubbed his dick through my slit.

He pushed in slowly and I threw my head back yet again at the pain but pleasure it brought "fuckkk"

He put my left leg over his shoulder and my right spread out. He bit his lip as he went faster. "Mm, shit" he groaned.

Pushing my left leg to my head he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss "your so tight baby, you feel so good."

Mozart and Autumn went on with all the sexual activity all night. Telling them how much they mean to each other. They made love with the intentions of not knowing everything would go down hill.

They made promise that night but only one intended to keep it.

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