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He lied and lied, to where he believed his own lies. No one knew and no one asked, and most definitely no one stepped on his toes. They walked on eggshells around him.

Keeping their distance and loving from afar.


"Are you even supposed to be outside?" She asked. We sat at the top of the bleachers looking down at the other students walking back and forth.

Her hair was slicked back in her natural hair and her edges done. She had on a Nissa New York shorts with the matching sweater.

"Yea.. well no but I'm getting released tomorrow afternoon." I shrugged eating my Doritos.

"Can you take a picture for me, please?" I took her phone and she started messing around with her hair and sweatshirt.

I gave her phone back and she scanned over the picture

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I gave her phone back and she scanned over the picture. She smiled and kissed my cheek with a little side hug.

I lowkey blushed and pushed her away from me playfully. "Gay ass shit dawg."

"Stop being weird moo" she waved her hand and continued to type on her phone "you know you love me"

"You sound real confident, girl" I laughed shaking my head at her. She did a little happy dance as she ate her fry surprise.

I looked down at my hands twiddling my fingers as I got lost in my train of thought. Something I did a lot since I had so much time to myself.

It's crazy to think I had to push people away so they wouldn't get too attached to me and feel like they have to always be there for me.

I loved my own space but sometimes felt like others distance themselves from me because of that and never felt like they could approach me in a way.

They don't need to get close just for me not be there- is what I told myself daily just so I could feel better about myself.

I know no one could read my mind but I wish they could because I'm hurting, I'm leaving and no one knew.

Not even the love of my life.

"Look, your friends coming over here Moo" I looked up to see woo and zeik coming our way then up the bleachers.

"Five months and this nigga finally out the hospital" zeik laughed and dapped me up then gave a side hug to autumn.

"What's good fall?" She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "It's autumn, stop playing with me Ezekiel"

He sat beside her and leaned back of the seat behind us. "Don't be saying my government out like that niggas looking for me"

"Just shut up" I shook my head.

"Knowing damn well ain't nobody looking for your ass" Woo said under his breath but we heard him.

He was always the quiet one. He observed and then made a move to talk to you or at least put his pride aside to say hi or bye.

"Hey Kayseri" autumn waves at woo with a small smile. She was always so nice.

"Hey, t'mae" he nodded to her as he sat below us.

"I ain't even supposed to be out here" I cleared my throat trying to hold down my cough. I stuffed my balled up hands deeper into my windbreaker staring off at nothing.

"So why the hell you out here?"

I shrugged and ignored the question. Autumn scooted closer to me and laid her head in my shoulder.

"MuMu? Why was you in the hospital for so long?" Zeik looked at me from the simple silence we had going on.

"They had to keep me and fill me up with that fluid shit. Cause you know I don't like to eat and shit." I lied.

"Oh" he took up his phone and started recording himself. "Flyest nigga out'chea"

Feeling her eyes at the side of my head I looked at her and wrapped my arm around her and pulling her closer.

"Your okay."

All i wanted to say was I'm not okay. But instead I said "I'm okay."

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