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11:54 pm, Wayne Manor, 3rd POV

Jason stood, staring at the spot his brother was just in. Where is brother was kidnapped. What did he do? Nothing. Just watched. Dick and Tim didn't look any better. They had trained themselves for almost 10 years, but yet they couldn't save their brother who was just kidnapped right in front of them.

They all had woken up when they heard a loud crash. Thinking it was an intruder, they grabbed weapons. They saw their brother being held by a man. They saw him inject Damian with something. They saw the pain he was feeling in his eyes. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Now they had to tell their Father that his only blood son, was taken while they watched.

Dick was the first to walk inside the room.

"There has to be something to help us find him" He said looking around the room. "There!" He pointed at something.

The two boys walked over and there was droplets of something. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't blood, it was the liquid the man injected Damian with. A toxic yellow liquid. They had something to give Bruce at least. That's good.

"Tim, go get Bruce. Me and Jason will stay here and look for anything that could help us find him." Dick said, taking charge.

Tim ran off to get Bruce. While Jason helped Dick with the search. They had been looking for less than ten minuets before Bruce came. When he saw Damian's room, a mess, and no Damian ,he paled. Even though this wasn't their first time being kidnapped, with everything happening and the note, they were even more worried.

"Do you have any clues as to where he is?" He asked them. They hung their heads low, as they had no leads.

"No, but Dick found some of the serum he was injected with." Jason said as he gave Bruce the little amount they had.

"What happened?" He asked while looking the droplet.

"I woke up when I heard a loud crash, I thought someone had broken in so I grabbed the bat. When Jason opened the door a man had his hand over Damian's mouth and injected him with that. I saw the pain in his eyes when it happened, so I can only imagine how painful that is" Tim said " Then him and the man were gone" His head was low, as to not see his father's face. He could feel his gaze though.

Then Dick confessed.

"I'm sorry" He whispered. They could barely hear it. Jason and Tim agreed with him and apologized as well.

"What are you all apologizing for?" Bruce asked confused

"We saw him get taken and we did nothing to help him. W-we just watched." Dick said, his voice broke when he spoke. His head was hung the lowest out of the boys. For he was the first one there. "It happened so quick I didn't know how to react, or what to do."

Bruce looked at his boys with sympathy. While most would be upset that they had done nothing, Bruce knew that they felt bad about not helping. He knew that even though they often teased the young boy, they loved him. He was their brother. But now He's gone.

"You found something."


"You found something, if we know who sells this, then we have an idea of who took him.
" Bruce said looking all of his sons in the eyes. "So you did find a lead"

The boys let out a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't upset with them.

As they walked to the Bat Cave their minds started to wonder. About what could be happening to their dear little brother. They could only think about all the horrible things that could be happening to him. They could only think about the torture their brother could be experiencing.

They walked in to the cave and began to try and find out what the serum was. After hours of examining they found it was a very strong anesthetic drug. What freaked them out was the does was enough to knock out a three-hundred pound person. That's enough to kill him. (707)

"Alright everyone suit up, lets go find anyone that sells this stuff." Bruce said walking to his costume. The youngers followed.

Once everyone was suited up and the girls were told what happened, they left. One the search for anyone who sells the drugs illegality.

They checked everywhere. Hell they even asked Joker. They had no luck. You would expect Bruce to be upset, or frustrated.

But no. It was the Boys. Damian could have still been there, if they had done something. Anything. But they didn't. And they blamed themselves.

It wasn't their fault. No body blamed them. Only themselves. So They worked the hardest to find their Brother. It got to the point where Bruce told them they couldn't help until they slept a decant amount and ate an actual meal.

They were reluctant to, but if they did, they could continue to work afterwards. So they listened. Weren't very happy to listen but they did.

After about 2 weeks of searching they found something. Last time the drug was sold was 6 days before Damian's kidnapping. The buyers name? Listed as T.A.G. Or better known as Talia Al Ghoul. His mother.

Though they didn't know where the new base was. But I guess luck was on their side this time. As someone spilled where it was.

Now all they must do is wait for the right time to go in.


Hey guys! I know that you want to know about whats happening with Damian and Marinette but I'm gonna make you wait! Don't worry the chapter is already written and is just waiting to be published. By the time I'm posting this I should have more chapters written so yeah! Have a wonderful Day/Night!

Bye My Little Heros!~


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