Jonathan Kent

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*1 week after last chapter*
7:35 am, Gotham West-point Academy, Marinette's POV

"This is so stupid" I whispered under my breath. "I just don't understand why I have to go here with you."

"Well father said you have to. So now we go to the same school. Hopefully different classes" Damian said as we walked in to the school." Come on. I have to take you to the office to get your schedule. Then I'll take you to your class."

We walked down the crowded halls. Once everyone had noticed me, their conversation subjects were quickly changed. I was not the topic of choice to many of the students. Some girls shot me glares. Boys looked me up and down like a piece of meat.

We made it to the office and Damian had told me to wait at the door while he talked to the Lady. I nodded my head and stood against the wall.

After a couple seconds a group of boys walked over to where I was. Trying not to cause trouble I scooted closer to the door. They only got closer though, so I basically cornered myself.

"Hey, what's a cutie like you doing next to the office door?" One asked.

"I'm waiting for someone to got out of the office," I say looking anywhere but them.

"You must be new here. I can show you around honey" Another said. At this point, I was starting to get uncomfortable. Thank god someone noticed.

"Hey! Leave her alone! Can't you jerks see you're making her uncomfortable." Someone said.

I looked at my savior and saw a regular sized boy walking towards me. His ebony-black hair was parted to the left. Some of his hair covered only one eye but not much. His sky blue eyes looked intimating but at the same time gentle. He was wearing the boys uniform and by his green tie, I knew he was in my grade.

The boys who were bothering me 'tched' and left once he got half a foot away. The scowl that was once on his face left as he turns to me. Concern in his eyes

"Are you ok? They didn't say anything weird did they?" He asked.

"N-No they didn't. And you didn't have to do that you know." I said looking away as I felt a blush creep it's way onto my face as I realized how close he was to me.

"It's alright-" He started but the bell cut him off. " I'm really sorry but I've got to get class. I'll see you around" He said before he ran off.

I started to wonder what was taking Damian so long as it had been almost 10 minutes since he went in. My train of thought was cut off as I heard the door open.

"Well, I got your schedule so I'll take you to your class." He turned and started to walk away. "You coming or not?"

Quickly I ran up to him. Didn't want to be late on my first day of a new school. As we walk down the halls my mind begins to wander back to my old school. While yes it was easy to say goodbye to my 'classmates', it was very difficult to say goodbye to my friends. Chole and Nathaniel. After the jacket incident, he came up to me and apologized. He didn't want to actually destroy the jacket.

I quickly shake my head to get out of my mind. I try to make myself appear confident and intimidating. Like Damian. Only better. Not looking like a total idiot with a scowl on my face.

Finally, we stop at a door. I look to the side where the name plat is and read it. ' Room 2309; Mr. Johnson'. It said.

"Wait out here while I tell the teacher. Once I do, I'll call you inside and you can introduce yourself." Damian said as he walked through the open door and stepped in.

Even from outside the classroom I could hear the girls' giggles and smiles from my brother's presents. If he ever actually goes for one of those, I will end myself. I inch closer to the door to hear what he's saying.

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