Our Family

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*Fluff-ish Chapter warning*
10:09 pm, Bat Cave, 3rd POV

As the costume freak club*aHeM* the Bat-Family entered the Bat Cave, Jason turns around to tell Damian and Marinette that they were home. Only to be met with the soft snore of the twins. He looked to Tim and Dick, to ask who would take who. Dick volunteered to take Marinette and Jason was stuck with Damian as Tim had to help Bruce.

Dick carefully picked up the small girl. When he started to walk, she began to stir awake. So he stopped walking for a minute before contusing his walk. Jason and Dick had agreed to put them both in Damian's room. Though it was mainly for the girl as she was in a new place and she hasn't seen her brother in years.

Jason opened the door and cursed under his breath. Dick was confused for a second until he remembered that Damian's room was still trashed from the kidnapping. So they put them in one of the many guest rooms.

Dick gently placed Marinette on the bed under the covers while Jason basically dropped the other twin on the bed. Yet he didn't wake. What they failed to notice was Marinette was stirring awake.

As Dick tried to walk away from the 'sleeping' girl, he was stopped. He turned around to be met with the girl looking away shyly. Her small hands holding his wrist. He put on a small smile and sat down on the floor beside the bed. Jason saw what happened and deiced it would be best if he copied his brother.

"Are you the people Damian was telling me about?" She asked in a whisper as to not wake her sleeping brother.

"That depends. What was he saying about us?" Jason asked quietly "If you'd like we can wait till morning for you to answer."

"Um, he said you're his- our brothers and how he thinks you're really nice and stuff. At least I think you're the one he was talking about." She looked everywhere but the two boys in front of her.

"He said that about us? What else did he tell you?" Dick asked, his curiosity taking over.

"He said that even though you guys tease him a lot, but he still likes you. Um, Damian, and I always had a hard time trusting people so it really surprised me when he spoke so highly of you." She said looking at Dick. While Jason was a little offended that Dick was his favorite brother, it made him feel better when she said he still liked him.

"He spoke highly of him? Did he tell you anything about me?" Jason asked eager to know what the younger male thought of him.

"He said that you can be really annoying sometimes and really protective other times. He also said that you can be really stupid too" A smile came on to her face. It let them know that she liked them. It was small though, but it was a start." He also said that you like to pull pranks."

"Did he say anything about Tim?"

"He said that he likes coffee and that pull pranks with Jason. He also said that he is very clumsy."

As if by magic Tim is seen in the hallway. He was supposed to be going to bed but he heard them talking and peaked his head in the door. Wanting to know a little about what Damian told her about them, he took a seat next to Jason. (I just realized they are sitting in Robin order)

"What are you guys talking about?" Tim asked as he looked at his brothers.

"She was telling us what Demon spawn told her about us" He replied " But be quiet He's asleep"

For about 20 minutes they sat there as she told them what he told her. They asked her simple questions about something she said when she and Damian were little. Being sure to leave out the pranks they did. Jason had decided that it was late and they should all go to sleep. they agreed and the boys left the room so she could sleep with her brother. (I didn't mean to make that sound dirty)

10: 05 am, Wayne Manor, Damian's POV *This part isn't that good sorry*

I woke up in a bed that was not my own so I began to worry as to where I was. I looked around the room and sighed in relief as I was in one of the guest rooms. I heard the sheets moving and looked to my side. Marinette was sleeping next to me in the bed. Her hair lined her face so perfectly it made me sick.

After checking the time, I realized I had to wake her up. What fun. I grabbed my pillow and gently, smacked her in the head with it. She responded by taking the pillow and smacking me with it. She sat upright and gave me a very weak glare.

To anyone else we probably looked like we were going to kill each other. But we just started laughing.

As we the first one awake, I got to use the restroom first. She wasn't too happy about that but I beat her to it anyway.

After I had finished using the restroom, I let her use it since she was waiting for me.


We were walking to the dining area to eat hoping that we didn't miss breakfast. There wasn't anyone in the hallways as we were walking which is surprising.

I opened the door to the dining area to see that everyone is already sitting. I walking in with Marinette following close behind. We seat on the side that had fewer people. And a couple of chairs down from everyone else.

Just as I had thought, Marinette was following me. I knew that she was going to since I was the only person she knew and since we had seen each other in quite some time.

We got our plates and began to eat. The silence was heavy in the room. No one was talking or even eating, besides me and Mari. Nobody dared to talk with how thick the silence was. Not that anyone knew what to say.

As we finished eating we began to leave. I felt a sneeze coming, and Marinette took notice of this and decided she would help.

"Pineapple. Pineapples, Pineapple." She whispered with a smirk. I let out a small laugh at the memory.

"It still works, you know" I whispered back with a smile


Words: 1082

To be honest. I'm not too happy with how this chapter came out. But it took me long enough to write it. So I may or may not rewrite this chapter later. If I do then I'll be sure to tell you guys. Also, this is an earlier update than I planned because I have family coming over! This is also not the chapter I was planning. I was going to finish and publish a filler chapter of the batbros getting to know Mari but oh well. Have a wonderful Day/Night!

Bye My Little Heroes!~


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