Chapter 4 - Last chance gas

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One week had passed since Ash and Loomis started their journey to Crystal Lake and many more miles lay ahead of them. Loomis was still disturbed by the visions he had experienced days prior, the vision of Michael Myers was still clear to him, albeit he was trying not to think about it. They had just crossed the county of Newt, Texas, the engine roaring non stop and in desperate need of a refuel.

The Texan weather was warm, too warm: The car's interior felt like a Hoven and the two men inside were sweating like crazy. They hadn't come across a living soul in hours, the first sign of life was a meat factory about a mile before.

Ash finally spotted a gas station with an insignia readin ''Last chance Gas'' , he said ''jeez the heat is killing me. We gotta make a stop, refill this babe and waste one or two beers: You with me granpa?''. Loomis would've preferred to keep going but Ash was right, the Texan weather was too hot and god knows when they'd find another Gas station, the country side seemed to stretch forever.

Ash parked his vehicle near a fuel distributor, the station was desolate and silent, the only noise was that of the trees brushing in the wind and the birds singing. He called out ''Anybody home?''.

After a moment he eard footsteps coming from the office nearby, then the door slammed open revealing a lanky elder man, from the look of him he was probably in his eightees but nevertheless still fit (surely healthier looking than Loomis) Ash thought.

''Howdy stranger, didn't see ya comin for a minute there'' the old man walked towards Ash, his shirt and trousers were all dusty and ruined, Ash thought it was the perfect hillbilly style. The old man introduced himself as ''Drayton, at your service'' and then bowed like an old stage actor, giving Ash an almost toothless grin.

Ash nodded and said '' Pleasure's all mine but me and my pal ought to get going pretty quick, how long is the nearest town?''. Drayton briefly glanced behind Ash to spot Loomis sitting in the car, he then looked back at Ash and replied '' Nearest is the town of newt Newt about five miles from here.'' He then added ''What're you folks doin around here? Huntin, sightseeing.... Honeymoon?'' upon speaking the last word he burst into a giggle, ugly enough to put Ash off his meal.

Ash knew the old man from less than a minute and he already took a disliking to him, something about him was off. He nontheless smiled back and said ''just passing through. Anyway how much for half a gallon?'' to wich drayton replied ''Ain't got any fuel at the moment, the oil guys should be here before sundown'', that grin still present on his face. Ash now liked the guy even less, seemed odd to him but he let the man segue his speech . Drayton continued '' You folks're welcome to stop buy a couple hours, got some barbeque grilling in the back, I'm an excellent cook I guarantee", he winked and added ''anyhow I reccomend you stay, all the matter of dangers in the texas wilderness if you brake down with your car. Besides, an old man could do with some company, don't get many folks around these parts anymore''

Ash didn't like the idea one bit but gathered he didn't really have a choice, he nodded at drayton, the man grinned and said ''Now that's more like it, just park the car behind the station'', he then turned and went inside.

Ash got back in the car and Loomis said ''we shouldn't be stopping, and besides there's something about that man I don't like.'' Ash glanced at Loomis and replied ''Neither do I, but we're very low on fuel and God knows how much we need it'' Ash started the car, Drayton popped up again out of the station and led the car down a narrow path that ran parallel to the station.

Upon parking behind the gas station the two men got out of the car, Loomis felt week, probably the heat's fault. Drayton introduced himself to him to wich he simply responded with a nod.

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