Chapter 7 - We will swallow your soul

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Leslie had waited long enough, he came out of the barn where he'd been hiding the whole time. Something strange had happened inside the Sawyer House, all he had witnessed was a bright light coming from inside the house.

He went back inside sure that the two men had left. Drayton was still lying dead on the floor. He called for Jed but no one answered. After failing to find Jed he went up to his room. He was desperate, what would happen to him now that the Sawyer clan was no more?. After all he himself knew he was a looser, in search of a bigger meaning. He would never be a true Slasher of the likes of Jason, Myers or even Jed. He couldn't even stand his ground to that Ash fellow and now his brother Drayton had been butchered, probably Jed had met the same fate.

He sat on the bed and reached for the cupboard and pulled out a strange looking book. He'd discovered it consealed inside an iron case in Ash's trailer soon after he drugged Loomis. Leslie was pretty sure it was made out of human skin. The cover on the front looked like a face, eyes, nose, mouth.

Leslie opened the book, it was filled with weird looking iconography and the writing was incomprehensible to him, some ancient language. When he found the book he also retrieved a cassette recorder stored in the same case. He pressed play and a voice started talking ''This is Professor Raymond Knowby, department of Ancient History, log entry number two. I believe I have made a significant find in the castle of Candar. Having journied there with my wife Henrietta, my daughter Annie and my asscociate Professor Ed Getley. It was in the rear chamber of the castle that I stumbled upon something remarkable. Necronomicon Ex Mortis, the Book of the Dead.''

Leslie stopped the tape for a moment, he couldn't believe his own ears. He had researched stories about the book of the dead. Many thought it was nothing but a myth.

He started the recorder and Knowby's voice continued ''My wife and I brought the book to this cabin where I could study it undisturbed. It was here that I began the translations. The book speaks of a spiritual presence, a thing of evil that roams the forests and the dark bowers of man's domain. It is through the recitation of the book's passages that this dark spirit is given license to possess the living. Included here are the phonetic pronunciations of those passages.'' The voice paused for a moment and then started reciting ''Kanda....'' Leslie quickly turned the recorder off.

He heard stories about what happened when someone used it. It apparently conjured evil spirits that possess the living and the dead. It couldn't possibly be true.... But what if it was.

After a moment of contemplation an idea dawned in his mind. What if he could bring his brothers back from the dead? ''Heck I could probably bring back granpa too''.

And he desperately wanted revenge against the bastards that annihilated the last members of his new found family. He'd already lost his mentor Billy years prior, he wasn't going loose them too.

''And how come those two were even in possession of the book?'' A question he didn't have an answer to at the moment, and he didn't even need one.

He made his mind up, this was his chance to make Granpa Sawyer proud and bring back the whole clan, no matter in what kind of monstrous form. At least he had to try.

He Brought the recorder and the book downstairs. The whole floor was covered in Drayton's blood. The other corpses were still strapped to their chairs, all but granpa who had broken in half when Leslie knocked him over earlier. ''No worries, granpa. You'll feel better soon''. Leslie was overcome with joy, he finally felt like this could be his chance to be someone, he was the legacy of the Sawyer clan and he would do anything to honor their name.

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