Chapter 5 - Chainsaw vs chainsaw

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The chainsaw roared through the silence of the night, so loud it made Ash's ears soar. It was dark but Ash could spot glimpses of the individual holding the chainsaw, what he saw was a hulking figure.

Fortunately Ash brought his own chainsaw with him. He dislodged his prosthetic hand and quickly replaced it with the saw. It lodged perfectly to his stump, making a clicking sound: The weight of the saw momentarily through him off balance, it had been years since he'd graced the machine on his right hand.

The sound of Ash's chainsaw mixed with the one of the huge man standing in front of him, the sound of the two saws was almost deafening. He called out to the figure ''Come and get some''. The man in front of him burst into a battle cry (although it sounded more like a squeal), nearly feminine in nature given the man's stature, and then suddenly started running towards Ash, keeping his chainsaw high and ready to strike!

Ash positioned his saw right in front of him like a shield. The giant was intimidating, in that fraction of a moment Ash noticed that the man was twice as tall as he was, with a fat build but powerful looking and doned a strange looking mask that looked like leather.

The giant's saw came roaring down on Ash but was stopped by the latter's. The two saws clashed together, forming bright sparks as metal clanked against metal. The colossus continued to let out his battle cry and Ash joined him in a desperate shout of rage.

Ash was now holding his chainsaw against the weight of the giant who was practically leaning against him in a murderous fit. He feared he could not take the weight any longer and get sliced apart. He counted up to three and used all of his energies to push his weight against the one of the man with the leather mask, in doing so he managed to push the colossus off balance. The crazy individual bounced backwards and fell to the ground, almost sawing his head off in the process.

Ash managed to take a breath, he was sweating like crazy and felt as if his heart was about to explode '' This shit is starting to take a toll on me'' he said.

He grabbed his boomtick and walked up to the giant who was still lying on the ground seemingly unconscious. Ash had a closer look and noticed the mask on the man's face wasn't made of just simple Leather, it was made out of human skin: As if he'd cut someone's face off and sewn it to his own.

Ash said ''You're a crazy mothefucker alright, too bad I won the fight'', suddenly the colossus opened his eyes: Ash lifted his boomstick ready to shoot but the maniac grabbed his chansaw and sliced the boomstick in half, he then kicked Ash so hard that he sent him spinning through the air.

Ash landed on the ground, feeling like all of his bones had been crushed. The huge maniac managed to get himself up, picked his still active chainsaw and walked up to Ash, who was too banged about to get himself up.

The maniac lifted his weapon ready to strike, ready to let out his battle cry once more.........

Suddenly the madness was interrupted by a bright beam, the headlights of a pickup truck. A voice came from behind the giant ''JED, STOP. YOU GODDAM FOOL''. Jed turned as if startled by the voice.

Ash got a glimpse of the man shouting and realized it was Drayton, the old man from the gas station.

''Don't you dare kill that man, we promised Leslie we'd bring one back alive for him to take care of!'', Jed lowered his head down and started whining in cowerdice, he was afraid of the old man. ''Get back in the truck right now! You shouldn't even be out here'', Drayton took a piece of wood out of his truck and started beating Jed on his back as he led him to the vehicle. The giant called Jed was actually afraid of Drayton.

After forcing Jed to mount the truck he turned and walked up to Ash who was still lying on the ground and said ''You should excuse him, my brother is mentally disabled, he means no arm'' he then gave that horrid smile he'd given Ash and Loomis at the gas station. Before Ash could do anything Drayton knocked him out with the wooden stick and ordered Jed to load him on the truck.

Jed picked Ash up and dropped his unconscious body on the rear of the truck. Drayton menaced him once more with stick calling him ''Fool'', ''retard'' and all manner of insults. He then got inside the truck and drove away, that grin still present on his face. As he drove he spoke to himself saying ''finally some fresh meat, it's been a hell of a long time!!! Hope Leslie catches the other one too''.


Loomis was still waiting in the trailer, still holding his bow. Ash was nowhere to be seen, hours had passed and things were not looking well.

Something wasn't right, all day he'd had a strange feeling and knew something was going to go terribly wrong. Suddenly he noticed a glowing light originating from his coat's right pocket, the lament configuration.

He reached inside his pocket and grabbed the square box: It was glowing from the inside, it's golden surface was now almost transparent. ''What can it possibly mean?'' Loomis thought. Before his mind could find an explanation he heard a noise from outside.

Someone was approaching the trailer, at first he suspected it may have been Ash but he soon realized the footsteps belonged to someone else. Loomis approached the door slowly, his bow still in hand and ready to shoot. He then hurried outside as fast as he could ready face whoever it was but to his surprise no one was there.

''Whoever he is he must be fast'' Loomis thought. He slowly approached the rear side of trailer to check the other side.... All of a sudden he eard the noise of feet running towards him, it came from the back of him. Loomis tried to turn but whoever was stalking him was much more faster. The next thing he felt was the prick of a needle in his neck and then pitch black......


When Loomis woke up he could feel movement all around him, many high pitch voices. At first he could only see shadows but after a bit his sight started to clear. He couldn't move and soon realized he his hands were tied behind his back.

What he saw next made him regret even waking up.

In front of him was a long dinner table adorned with dishes and glass cups as well as bones, at the center of the table was a human skull with a lit candle inside. Loomis highered looked up and noticed three men standing up as if awaiting for him to come to. One of the men said ''rise and shine''.

He recognized the man in the middle right away, it was Drayton and was sporting that ugly grin he so liked to expose. The man standing to Drayton's right side was much younger, his face half burned and was holding a scythe, he seemed very excited.

The last man standing beside Drayton was huge, so huge he towered above the other two men and was wearing a suit. He doned a mask made of human flesh and covered in woman's makeup.

Upon seeing the colossus Loomis's blood ran cold and everything became clear: The first step to completing his mission was right there. That explained the glow emanating from the Lament Configuration, it was trying to warn him. Loomis thought how stupid he was for not realizing it sooner, and now he risked being murdered before his mission had even started.

One of the killers he vowed to destroy was standing a few feet away from him, as scary as the stories about him had claimed, maybe even scarier. It was he who had claimed countless victims with his chainsaw.

The monster standing in front of him was the notorious Jedidiah Sawyer, better known as LEATHERFACE!

Drayton stretched his arms as if to greet Loomis to a wonderful place and said ''Welcome to Sawyer farm''.

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