Chapter 13 - The end of the beginning

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Ash and Kirsty were standing over Loomis's grave. Kirsty had brought some flowers and placed them on his tombstone.

They both stud there a moment, Kirsty srtated to walk away, before Ash followed her he nodded and said ''thanks for helping me give another chance at living, rest in peace old buddy''.

He catched up with Kirsty and they exited the cemetery. Ash's oldsmobile was waiting for them parked outside the walls of the Cemetery, he'd managed to retrieve it and fix it back together.

Kirsty smiled and asked ''So what do you say we hang out more often?''.

Ash looked at her and replied ''Not half a bad idea'' he then held her close and kissed her.

They were both suddenly interrupted by Ash's cell phone ringing. Ash winked at Kirsty and answered ''Ash Williams here'', a voice of a man was on the other end of the line, it replied ''Ash Williams. I really need to talk to you.''.

''Who is this?'' Ash inquired. The man on the phone cleared his voice and said ''My name is doctor Herbert West, I was a medical student at Miskatonic University.''

Ash shrugged ''Why are you looking for me?.

''I ear there have been some strange happenings in various Cemetaries. Bodies being stolen from graves by a Tall Man surrounded by midgets. And shiny spheres being spotted wherever this Tall Man goes. Since you are experienced in supernatural phenomena I hoped you could be of use to me in my investigation....''.

Ash cut short ''Listen buddy, not gonna happen. I'm on vacation. See ya''.

''Wait, just let me explain, this is important........''. Herbert West was still talking as Ash closed the call.

He turned to Kirsty. She asked ''Who was that?''. Ash sighed and answered ''Just some guy''

Kirsty smiled ''You sure you don't want to continue hunting monsters ? After all, there are many more out there''.

Ash replied ''The only thing i want right now is the beautiful chick standing opposite to me''. He winked and kissed her. ''Hail to the king baby''

They both hopped onto the oldsmobile. Ash turned on his favorite song (Space Truckin' by Deep Purple) and drove off into the sunset.


As the sun went down a Tall Man walked by the tombstones holding a silver sphere in his hand as a group of ideous small hooded creatures followed.

His shadow seemed to extend forever behind him, like a bad omen of dark days to come.


Here we are, we've reached the end of the line. Or is it the beginning. I don't know but i had a whole lot of fun writing this Fan Fic as i did it out of passion for the material. I've deliberately left one or two loose ends in the storyline such as the Deadites preparing an attack on Ash. The survival of Michael Myers and the introduction of Herbert West and The Tall Man in the last chapter. I still have many characters to introduce who unfortunately didn't make it into the plot such as Chucky, Candyman, Maniac Cop, Pumpkinhead ecc, i decided to leave them out so as not to stray too far from the main story ark and focus on the characters who made more sense for this story. If i ever make a sequel i will be sure to use them, after all there is tons of material and characters to write about. I'm not yet sure if i will write a sequel but If fans of this fan fic will ask for more and i get enough positive feed back then i won't disappoint and will probably change my mind. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. I would appreciate it if you left me a comment to let me know your thoughts and ideas on the story. Thanks and Slash on ;)

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