Chapter 8 - Confessions

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Ash parked the pick up truck in front of the motel and woke Loomis. The two exited the car and entered the Motel reception.

Nobody was waiting for them behind the desk so Ash rang the bell on the desk, it was very late after all.

A few second later an elder lady with a cigarette in her mouth greeted them, her expression was extremely depressed ''What can I do for you?.

Ash answered ''a room with two single beds for the night''.

The lady pulled a drag of her cig and blew out a cloud of smoke ''That'll be 10 bucks each.... You look like you've had a rough night''.

''You have no idea'' Loomis replied.

The woman asked ''hope you're not looking for trouble, we have enough around here. The history of the motel alone attracts enough creeps''.

Ash would've usually said something smart but he just looked at her dead serious and replied ''Lady, just hand us the keys, please''.

The woman looked at him harshly but after blowing another puff of her cig she handed him the key to room number 1.

The two wished her good night and exited the reception.

Ash asked Loomis what she meant by the motel history, Loomis answered ''apparently this is the famous Bates Motel, home of the famous serial killer Norman Bates''.

Loomis caught Ash's worried expression and smiled ''no worries, old Norman is probably dead by now . He surely won't be bothering us''.

Ash sarcastically answered ''Since when being dead has stopped bad guys from coming back to life? Anyway I've had enough people trying to murder me for one night''.

The two entered room number 1. It was surprisingly clean. The window's view looked out on a huge old house towering on a hill behind the motel, Loomis told Ash that was where Norman Bates used to live ''He murdered his mother and hid her corpse for years. Reports say Norman suffered from a split personality desorder and frequently impersonated his mother.''

Ash wasn't particularly interested in the details, he'd had enough of the macabre for the day. The first thing he did was head for the bathroom to take a shower. After that the two could talk about what they had previously experienced at the Sawyer house. Before he entered the shower Loomis called at the bathroom door ''oh and before you take a shower i warn you that Norman killed a woman in this room, or more specifically in the shower''.

Ash rolled his eyes '' Oh that's just great''.


Ash came out of the bathroom. He noticed Loomis sitting at the window looking in direction of the Bates house with a blank look in his eyes. He looked very tired and banged up, Ash would've almost felt pitty for the old man if it wasn't for the fact that it was his fault that they seriously risked getting chopped into little pieces by a family of cannibals.

''Ok, now we're in a safe spot, we're relaxed and out of danger. You owe me an explanation or two.''

Loomis turned his head slowly and replied ''What would you like to know exactly?.''

''Tonight I experienced some of the weirdest shit in my entire life, and believe me, I've seen plenty of shit in my time. The cannibalistic version of the Addams family is one thing, but you taking out that shiny cube and summoning a creepy guy dressed in bondage with a head full of pins is quite another. You can start from there.''

Loomis sighed deeply, he wasn't sure if revealing the truth was the right move but he guessed it was the least he could do. After all Ash was head deep in this as much as he was. ''The entities I summoned belong to a hellish realm beyond our dimension, a place where souls full of lust and sin are trapped and tortured for eternity. The soul's fear and pain provide an infinite supply of power to the beings that rule the realm, they call themselves Cenobites.''

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