Chapter 9 - Confessions

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The woman going by the name Kirsty Cotton walked towards Ash, her long dark brown hair blowing slightly in the night breeze, ''You cannot trust the Cenobites'' she repeated.

Ash felt more and more confused.

The woman looked irritated, ''we can't talk here'' she gripped Ash's forearm and firmly guided him to the rear of the motel.

''Talk about getting ahead of yourself, I usually go on a date before this happens''.

Kirsty stopped behind the Motel's office ''now shut the hell up and listen to me, listen carefully''.

Ash was still confused but decided to go along ''whatever you say pretty face''.

Kirsty sighed and continued ''you and the old man must abandon this quest, the Cenobites are not what they seem''.

''. ok ok, hold on a second, how does a pretty chick like you have anything to do with this stuff in the first place?''.

Kirsty answered impatiently ''listen, I know the cenobites, I've dealt with them before and if you think for one minute that they will stay true to their promise then you're dead wrong.''

After a moment of silence she continued ''I was in possession of Lemarchand's box before it fell into the hands of your friend. I've had a connection to the Cenobites since I was a young girl, I've entered their world and have since shared a link to their dimension. This is how I've managed to follow you all this time.''

Ash was puzzled ''you mean you've been stalking us? Could've given us a hand at the Sawyer house''.

Kirsty looked all the more irritated and shook her head ''No you idiot, I've been following you in my dreams. The return of the Cenobites into our world has created some sort of mental connection between us all. I kept the box safe so no one could unleash it's horrors but since I lost it and Loomis made a deal with them I've been able to have introspection into their minds and motifs.''

''And what have you discovered?'' Ash was becoming more serious.

''The Cenobites are not just trying to repair their world but to extend it and merge it with ours. They can achieve their goal by gaining the souls of supernatural and powerful creatures such as the ones you're after. They are using both of you as pawns in their evil plan, once you complete the mission they will take over the world.''

''But how? I mean how can the Cenobites become so powerful by gaining the soul of some supernatural dude?''.

''The cenobites have the power to turn their victims into cenobites. Just a few rare souls are deemed worthy to become Cenobites, they are reworked into becoming all powerfull beings who rule over their dimension and inflict an eternity of pain on whoever they take into their domain. Even their leader was human once. Now that they are loosing power they want to create a new generation called the Neo Cenobites, and the only souls deemed worthy enough are the ones of these supernatural killers.''

It was a lot to take in for Ash, especially in one night ''Ok, I guess you've proven your point.''

Kirsty looked at him firmly ''You have to abandon this mission before it's too late for all of us''.

Ash nodded ,''We have to warn Loomis about this''.

Suddenly they both heard the starting of an engine and the roaring of wheels.

Ash ran to the front of the Motel just in time to notice the pick up truck leaving and heading for the road, the trailer still attached to it's rear ''what the...?''

The door to room number one was still open ''LOOMIS'' Ash shouted, ''Loomis, someone stole the car....''

Loomis was nowhere to be seen, a hand written note was on the bed. Ash walked up to the bed and read the note, it was Loomis's writing (I've over heard your conversation with the woman from the room window. If what the woman says is true then Goddamn if I deserve to burn in hell, but if there is any chance that she is wrong I will take the risk. I'm sorry for stealing the vehicle but I know you will try to sway me from my mission and that is something I cannot accept. I will stop at nothing to bring down these creatures even if it means I will die in the process, you can follow me or not as you wish but I will bring this story to a conclusion. I hope for all of us that I'm right but I have to believe!).

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