Chapter 10 - A Nightmare on Crystal lake

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The fog hovered above the dark still waters of the lake, the only sound was the slight breeze caressing the trees.

The muddy shores of the lake were dry and grey, covered by withered sea weed scattered here and there.

A decaying wooden pier sticked out onto the lake, waiting to give in to it's own weight and sink to the bottom of those deep waters.

Camp Crystal lake was once a place of joy and laughter, families used to come here and set up camp in the summer. Young counselors used to make love and smoke weed on the shore, sing and tell campfire stories under the moon.

All that was in the past, what remained was nothing more than a dark memory, engulfed by fear and violence.

It all started with the drowning of little Jason Voorhees, after that an everlasting stain of terror tainted the lake. A stain that never disappeared.

The waters of the lake started bubbling, as if a small volcanic crack had just opened from beneath it's surface. A massive figure rose from the water bed. First the head, the massive torso and the strong legs for last.

The humanoid pulled out of the water and on the shore without the slightest effort. It looked as if it had just walked out from beneath the lake.

He wore a ripped and wrinkled jacket, the same can be said for the trousers. He was holding a thick machete in the left hand, a severed head gripped firmly in on the right.

The bald head of the giant looked slightly swollen, while the face was covered by a hockey mask. The Masked creature paused on the shore for a moment, looking around as if to inspect the surroundings.
He looked down at the head he was holding as if he had just noticed it and held it up in front of his face. It was the head of a badly burnt man, the wound on the neck seemed to have been caused by the machete.

The giant spent another moment looking at the head and then launched it away a great distance, falling in the lake with a splash.

He then turned and walked into the thick woods surrounding the lake.

His footsteps echoed heavily in that silent and empty forest. The Machete still firm in his grasp.

What he heard next made him stop ''Jasooon'', the voice of a woman ''Jasoon, come to your mother''.

The echoing voice was all around him. Suddenly an elder lady appeared from behind a tree, short blonde hair and wearing a white sweater. ''Come Jason, your mother is calling you''.

The colossus named Jason let go of his machete and slowly walked up to his mother.

Once he had reached her he looked down on her, towering several inches above her. She looked upon him smiling and held out a hand to caress his mask.

The creature stood still mesmerized by his mother's eyes and her touch.

''You've been a bad boy Jason, mother has been very disappointed .'' Her smile turned from one of motherly love to an evil grin of hate ''You've been a very bad boy you mother fucker!''. Her fingers turned into sharp razors and she violently slashed at his mask.

Jason instinctively pulled away in surprise, she firmly grabbed his neck ''You're in my world bitch, you bow to my rules''.

She launched Jason through the hair and he landed violently against a tree trunk. He managed to sit up and saw what he thought was his mother walk towards him. ''You never learn do you? you dumb fuck''.

Her appearance slowly changed, from a middle aged woman into a full grown man with a burnt face. The sweater turned from white into black and red. The clawed hand into a glove adorned with razors at it's fingertips. ''Freddy ain't finished with you yet''.

Jason quickly reached for his machete and stabbed freddy in the heart. Freddy's expression was surprised but quickly turned into amusement '' Oh That hurt ahahaha!!!'', he then grabbed the blade and plucked it out of his chest, the wound instantly healed.

Jason tried to react but Freddy ripped the blade out of his grip and swung the weapon knocking Jason in the face with the handle. Jason lost his balance and tumbled several meters away.

Freddy shook his head ''After all this time you still don't get it. We're stuck in this together. Thought you'd learn after all this time but I guess we can carry on doing this for the rest of eternity!'' He ran to Jason and kicked him in his ribs.

''We could've been pals but those damn kids turned us against each other. You thought you got rid of me, You rose up from those waters thinking yourself victorious but guess what, here I am! You stripped me of most of my power but a piece of me is still stuck in your dreams probably forever, might as well have some fun!''. As he spoke he slashed at Jason with his glove ripping chunks of flesh from his bones.

Jason was now dragging himself on the floor powerless. ''You know what the great thing is of living inside your mind? You never die, so I can kill you countless times and you still keep on living, we've done this a thousand times before and we're gonna keep on doing it for shit knows how long. Of course sometimes I regret the old times on Elm street when I used to haunt the dreams of fresh teenage victims but I guess those times are over. The only way of getting away from you would be if some new people came to Crystal Lake to get the crap scared out of them'' He slashed at Jason once more and hatefully screamed ''BUT NO ONE EVER COMES TO THIS SHIT HOLE NO MORE!!!!''.

Freddy shook his head ''But why am I even telling you this. You're probably too stupid to even know what I'm saying! One thing is certain, if I'm not powerful enough to escape your mind then I'm gonna be fucking sure that you never get to wake up!''As he was about to strike Jason and finish him off for the umpteenth time he stopped. Freddy looked around, he felt something.

''You sense that? Speak of the devil, someone's actually come to this place. Probably the time has come to get out of this nightmare''. Jason just looked at him, his body more dismembered than whole.

''Could this be my calling card out of this place?.''

He looked at Jason with contempt ''Ah shit, I guess I'm forced to need your help once more. Get ready bitch, and this time don't screw it up''

Suddenly the whole world around them started to disappear until darkness devoured everything. Jason closed his eyes and died once again only to be resurrected moments later.

He opened his eyes. He could see the rays of the moonlight stabbing the surface of the water. The sound of a car engine in a distance could be heard although dimmed by the waters of the lake.

A voice in Jason's head ordered him ''Wake up Jason, Wake up my boy and kill once again for your precious mother''.

Jason would never dare to disobey his mother.

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